Navigating Expectations: A Grounded View on the Power of AI

“We talk so much about technology topics, and in the end, two emotions are usually left: high expectations and fear of the future. Neither is productive,” says Maximilian Böger. It’s about showing people the possibilities offered by new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the benefits for themselves.

Böger, who comes from northern Germany and has lived in Bad Vöslau for twelve years, has a doctorate in business administration and specializes in business model transformation, platforms and future trends and technologies. Böger will speak about innovations and new business models that will change our world and the opportunities and challenges this will create for companies on October 2 and 3 at the OÖNachrichten event Digital Days (more information in the info box).

When it comes to technology, Böger says there are optimists and pessimists: “Some use technology to solve problems and hope to be able to close a gap. Others see it more as a challenge because they now have to learn something extra, rather than as an opportunity to skip a skill they don’t have.” The fear of unemployment that AI triggers in many employees is unjustified: “Even companies that already produce completely automatically are not using the technology because they want to cut jobs, but because they can’t get the people.” On the part of employees, there needs to be a willingness to learn new things, “that already achieves a lot.”



Maximilian Böger

Böger advises companies not to close themselves off to new technologies, but not to set their expectations too high: “Companies should first use AI to solve their everyday problems, such as automating recurring administrative tasks, importing data or customer service inquiries. Only for a few will it contribute to the further development of the business model.”

Böger is critical of the EU’s regulation of the use of AI through the “AI Act“: Such a law only exists in the EU, and economically the Union is in danger of falling behind compared to the USA and China. “Regulation is needed, especially with regard to AI in social media. But then it should exist everywhere.”

Tickets for the OÖNachrichten Digital Days on 2 and 3 October in Linz and further information about the event and all speakers can be found on digitaldays.
There are exciting lectures and workshops, and you also have the opportunity to network.

With the OÖNcard you get a 25 percent discount: enter promo code OOENCARD_DD24 and save.

Ai will transform the global economy let’s make sure it benefits humanity

The Benefits and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence: ⁢Separating Fact from Fiction

When it comes⁤ to ⁣artificial intelligence (AI), two emotions often dominate the conversation: high expectations and fear of the future. However, it’s essential to separate ⁢fact‍ from fiction and understand the ⁢real ⁢benefits and challenges of AI. In this⁣ article, ⁤we’ll explore the advantages of AI, its potential impact on the workforce, and the ⁣importance ‍of ⁢a balanced approach to its development.

The Benefits‌ of⁤ AI

AI has the potential to transform various industries and aspects of our ‍lives. According⁤ to [2], some of‍ the key advantages of AI‍ include:

  1. Eliminating human error ⁣and risk:⁣ AI⁣ can ​perform tasks with higher accuracy and speed, ‌reducing the likelihood ‍of human error.
  2. 24/7 availability: AI systems can⁢ operate around the clock, increasing productivity and efficiency.
  3. Unbiased decision-making: AI⁣ algorithms can⁣ make‍ decisions based on data, reducing the risk of bias and discrimination.
  4. Repetitive task automation: AI can automate routine tasks, freeing ⁣up human resources⁢ for more strategic and creative work

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The Future of Technology: Embracing Innovation and Overcoming Fear

In recent years, technology has been a dominant topic of discussion, often leaving people with two prevalent emotions: high expectations and fear of the future. According to Maximilian Böger, a doctorate in business administration and expert in business model transformation, platforms, and future trends and technologies, this sentiment is unproductive. Instead of focusing on the negative consequences of technological advancements, Böger emphasizes the importance of showcasing the benefits of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), and their potential to improve our lives.

Optimists and Pessimists: Two Sides of the Technological Coin

When it comes to technology, Böger categorizes people into two groups: optimists and pessimists. Optimists utilize technology to solve problems and bridge gaps, whereas pessimists view technology as a challenge that requires additional learning, rather than an opportunity to acquire new skills. This dichotomy is particularly evident in the context of AI, which has sparked fear of unemployment among many employees.

Debunking the Fear of Unemployment

Böger believes that the fear of job loss due to AI is unwarranted. Even companies that have fully automated their production processes are not doing so to cut jobs, but rather because they are struggling to find the necessary talent. This sentiment is supported by the fact that many companies are investing heavily in upskilling and reskilling their employees to ensure they remain relevant in an increasingly automated workforce.

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

To thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape, Böger stresses the need for employees to develop a willingness to learn new things. This mindset shift can already achieve a lot, as it enables individuals to adapt to new technologies and remain competitive in the job market. By embracing lifelong learning, employees can turn the challenges posed by AI into opportunities for growth and development.

Innovations and New Business Models: The Key to a Brighter Future

Böger’s expertise in business model transformation and future trends and technologies makes him well-positioned to speak about the innovations and new business models that will shape our world in the years to come. He will share his insights on the opportunities and challenges these changes will bring to companies at the OÖNachrichten event Digital Days on October 2 and 3.

About Maximilian Böger

Maximilian Böger is a renowned innovation enthusiast and expert in business model transformation, platforms, and future trends and technologies. With a doctorate in business administration, he has worked as a project manager at the University of St. Gallen, specializing in business model innovation and technology transformation [[3]]. He is also a founding member of flound., a platform that focuses on innovation management, business model innovation, ecosystems, and platforms [[1]][[3]]. Böger’s expertise has been recognized through his speaking engagements and his official website, which showcases his passion for innovation and digitalization[[[2]].

the key to a brighter future lies in embracing innovation and overcoming fear. By focusing on the benefits of new technologies and developing a willingness to learn, we can turn the challenges posed by AI and other technological advancements into opportunities for growth and development. As Böger so aptly puts it, “It’s about showing people the possibilities offered by new technologies and the benefits for themselves.”



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