Navigating Elderly Constipation: Causes and Natural Solutions Explained

2024-09-18 11:41:30

What are the causes of constipation in the elderly?

There are many causes of chronic constipation as we age. Sarah Baruch, dietician-nutritionist, explains them below:

colorectal aging ;taking of some medications (antiparkinsonian drugs, antacids, calcium supplementation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.), physical inactivity;insufficient water intake, older people feeling less need to drink; low fiber diet and/or calories.

Fibers, allies for good transit

Anses, the National Food Agency, recommends daily consumption of 20 to 25 g of fiber for the elderly, because They increase stool volume and promote intestinal peristalsis. Where to find fibers ? In vegetables, legumes, fruits, dried fruits, wheat bran, oats, barley…

What food is most effective against constipation?

There is not just one food, but many to favor in your diet!

Laxative foods

Among the laxative foods, Sarah Baruch, dietitian-nutritionist, advises: “to eat leeks, cabbages, spinach, artichokes, without forgetting legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, broad beans, red or white beans.”

To better tolerate legumes, we can make them soak 6 to 12 hours before cooking them, this softens the fibers, or add a spoonful of baking soda to the cooking water.

Fruits rich in fiber

As for fresh fruits, dried fruits and oilseeds, “opt for apple, kiwi, plum, seasonal red fruits, dried figs, dried apricots, prunes, almonds, hazelnuts”suggests the dietician-nutritionist. And if the fruits are organic, ideally, you should keep the skin.

Good cereals

“It is better to choose whole grains : pasta, rice, quinoa, not forgetting oatmeal, bran and flax seeds”, propose Sarah Baruch.

Good to know: “The amount of fiber should be increased gradually to avoid the appearance of pain and bloating”warns the dietician-nutritionist.

The drinks to prefer

“In the case of constipation in the elderly, but also in the general population, it is necessary prefer magnesium waters », explains the dietician. Choice: Hépar, Contrex, Rozana, Badoit, Quézac, Courmayeur. And to complete: “not forgetting prune juice, apple juice and herbal teas.”

Constipation: what foods to avoid?

There are several, as the dietician-nutritionist specifies:

refined products such as white bread, white rice; spices; sugary products; foods high in fat.

What to do in case of constipation?

“It is important to adopt good food hygiene, advises Sarah Baruch. The latter is based on a balanced diet with sufficient fiber intake, good hydration with water consumption minus 1.5 liters of water per day. Taking the time to eat is also important, as is practicing, if possible, a physical activity such as walking.

The position for going to the toilet

It is also important to have a good position on the toilet bowl.

Elevate your feet using a low stool or step stool. Sarah Baruch, dietitian-nutritionist.

What to eat when you are constipated? A typical day of menus

Here is a typical day of menus created by Sarah Baruch to combat constipation in the elderly.

Breakfast : 1 glass of water or prune juice (or 2 prunes) + 2 slices of wholemeal bread or cereal bread + butter + honey.Lunch : seasoned raw vegetables + 1 portion of meat, fish or egg + 1 portion of vegetables + 1 portion of starch or legumes + 1 slice of wholemeal bread or cereal bread + 1 fruit yogurt or 1 fruit or 1 apple compote.To taste : 1 mixture of oilseeds and dried fruits if chewing is possible + 1 fruit yogurt.Dinner : 1 vegetable soup + sardine or ham + 1 portion of vegetables + 1 portion of cheese + 1 fruit.
#Constipation #elderly #natural #solutions

– What are the common causes of constipation in elderly individuals?

Constipation in the Elderly: Causes, ‍Prevention, and Treatment

As we age, our bodies undergo various​ changes that can affect our⁤ digestive system, leading to constipation. Constipation is a common problem among ‍the elderly, affecting approximately 40% ‌of people over the age of⁣ 65. ‌It ⁣can significantly impact their quality of life, causing discomfort, pain, and even affecting their mental health. In this article, we will discuss the causes of constipation in the elderly, ⁢the role of diet in preventing and treating constipation, and provide ⁢a sample menu to help alleviate symptoms.

Causes of Constipation in the Elderly

There are several factors that contribute to constipation in the elderly, including:

Colorectal aging: The natural aging process⁤ can lead to a decrease in muscle mass and strength, which affects the movement of food through the ⁤digestive ⁤system.

Medications: Certain medications, such as antiparkinsonian drugs, antacids,⁢ calcium supplementation, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can cause ‍constipation as a side effect.

Physical inactivity: A sedentary lifestyle ⁢can ‌lead to slower digestion and reduced bowel movements.

Insufficient water intake: Older adults may not feel the need to drink as much water,⁤ leading to dehydration and constipation.

Low fiber diet: A diet low in fiber can cause constipation, as fiber helps to add bulk ⁢to stools and promote regular bowel movements.

The Importance of ‍Fiber

Fiber is essential for ​preventing and treating constipation. The National Food Agency recommends a daily⁤ intake of 20-25 grams of fiber for the elderly. Fiber increases stool volume and promotes⁢ intestinal peristalsis, ‌helping to move‌ food through the‍ digestive system. Foods rich in⁢ fiber‌ include:

Fruits: Apples, kiwis, plums, and dried fruits ‌like apricots and prunes.

Vegetables: Leafy greens like spinach, cabbage, and artichokes.

Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, ⁣broad beans, and red or white beans.

Whole⁤ grains: Brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole‍ wheat bread.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, hazelnuts, ⁣flaxseeds, and chia seeds.

Laxative Foods

In addition to fiber-rich ​foods, there⁢ are specific foods that can help to alleviate constipation. These include:

Leeks, cabbages, ⁢and spinach, which contain prebiotic fibers that help to stimulate the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Legumes, which are high in fiber⁤ and protein.

Fresh fruits, such as apples ⁤and kiwis, which are ⁢easy to​ digest‌ and rich in fiber.

Drinks to Prefer

Staying hydrated is essential for preventing and⁣ treating constipation. In addition to water, the ​following drinks‌ can help:

Magnesium waters, such as Hépar, Contrex, and Rozana, which can help ⁢to relax the muscles and promote bowel movements.

Prune juice and ​ apple juice, which​ are rich ⁣in fiber‌ and can help to ​stimulate bowel movements.

Herbal teas, such as peppermint and ⁤chamomile, which can help to​ relax the muscles and promote digestion.

Foods to Avoid

There are certain foods‍ that ‍can exacerbate⁢ constipation, including:

Refined products, such as white bread and white rice, which are low in fiber and can cause constipation.

Spicy foods, which can ⁣irritate ⁤the digestive system and slow down ⁢bowel movements.

Sugary products, which can cause an imbalance in gut bacteria and⁤ lead to ​constipation.

Foods high in fat, which can slow ‌down digestion and lead ‍to constipation.


– What are the common causes of constipation in elderly individuals?

Understanding Constipation in the Elderly: Causes, Preventive Measures, and Dietary Recommendations




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