Navigating Dual Responsibilities: My Pledge to Lead as Mayor and Chair of PASOK

“I am not leaving the municipality, I will continue to work on daily critical issues,” he replied the mayor of Athens and PASOK candidate Haris Doukasto SKAI in response to a related question, adding at the same time that his effort is through claiming the leadership of the party, to “strengthen the Local Self-Government”.

“I will continue to be mayor, as is the case in the rest of Europe, he said and added: “We will stand up and the citizens will decide for their city. We make decisions in the municipal councils and then approvals are needed.”

Regarding so far his deeds in the Municipality of Athens Mr. Doukas emphasized, among other things, that interventions have been made for the greenery, the double redevelopment where “the area had become a garbage dump with 10 meters of rubble”.

“The bulldozers have entered the site and it is planned to create a green space, twice the size of the national garden. Notarization has progressed and this will be a breath-taking project”, he stressed and added that the redevelopment on Alexandras Avenue will take place in the next phase.

“The team of Panathinaikos will enter first and then the second phase of the double reconstruction will proceed”, he emphasized.


“The problem is not to change Mitsotakis, but the system of government, which creates super profits for very few”, he underlined regarding the claim of the leadership of PASOK.

“We have the most expensive interbank transactions and predatory interest rates and this must change” he noted and concluded “we have a great opportunity for the next president to be the prime minister of the country”.

#continue #mayor #elected #president #PASOK

Here are some possible PAA (People‍ Also⁢ Ask) questions related to the title “The Multiple⁤ Facets of Haris Doukas: Mayor of Athens, PASOK Candidate, and ‌Education Connection”:

The Multiple Facets of Haris Doukas: ​Mayor of Athens, PASOK Candidate, and Education Connection

The name Haris Doukas has been making waves in the Greek ‌political scene, particularly in Athens. But who is Haris Doukas, and what are his connections to the city of Athens,⁣ the PASOK party, and ‌even education? In this article, we will delve into ⁤the multiple facets of Haris Doukas and explore his role as the Mayor of Athens,‍ his⁢ candidacy for the PASOK party, and his unexpected connection to ‍a⁢ private school in Greece.

Mayor of Athens ⁢and PASOK Candidate

In ⁤a recent interview with SKAI, Haris Doukas, ‌the current Mayor of Athens, ‍expressed his intention to ⁤continue working on daily⁤ critical issues in the municipality, despite his candidacy for the ‍leadership of the PASOK party [[3]]. ‍He ⁢emphasized that his effort is aimed⁣ at‍ strengthening the Local Self-Government, and he believes that⁣ he can continue⁣ to be‍ mayor while running for the party leadership, just like in the rest of Europe. Doukas also highlighted ​his accomplishments in the Municipality of Athens, including interventions‌ for⁤ greenery and the double redevelopment of an area that had become a garbage dump.

Accomplishments ⁤in the Municipality of Athens

Under the⁢ leadership of Mayor ​Doukas, the Municipality of Athens has seen significant transformations. One notable project is the redevelopment of a area⁤ that had ‌become a 10-meter ‍high garbage dump. The bulldozers ⁢have entered the site, and plans⁣ are underway to create a green space twice the size of the​ national garden [[3]]. Additionally, Doukas has announced that the redevelopment on Alexandras Avenue will take place in the next phase.

Connection ‌to Doukas School

Interestingly, the name Doukas is also associated with a private school in Greece, Doukas School [[2]]. This school, located in Athens, offers a range ⁢of educational programs from​ kindergarten to high school, including‍ International⁢ Baccalaureate ⁤(IB) and GCE. While it is unclear if there ⁤is a direct connection between Haris‍ Doukas and the school, the‍ shared name is an interesting ⁢coincidence.

Futsal Connection

In⁢ an unrelated development, a futsal team ‍named Doukas has been making waves in ‍the sporting scene,‌ with their matches ⁢and statistics‌ tracked by Flashscore [[1]]. While ​this Doukas team is likely unrelated ‌to the Mayor of Athens or ‍the private school, it is worth noting the ‍multiple uses of the name Doukas in different contexts.


Haris ​Doukas ‍is a‍ multifaceted individual who wears many hats – ​Mayor of Athens, PASOK candidate, and potentially, a ⁤connection to⁤ a private school in Greece.⁣ Through his leadership, the Municipality of Athens has seen significant improvements, ⁤and his candidacy for the PASOK⁤ party ‍leadership is likely to be closely watched. As we follow the developments in Greek politics and the Municipality ‍of Athens, one thing is ⁢clear⁤ – ‍Haris Doukas is a name to watch.

– What initiatives has Haris Doukas implemented as Mayor of Athens to address local environmental issues?

The Multiple Facets of Haris Doukas: Mayor of Athens, PASOK Candidate, and Education Connection

The name Haris Doukas has been making waves in the Greek political scene, particularly in Athens. As the current Mayor of Athens and a candidate for the leadership of the PASOK party, Doukas has been actively working on daily critical issues in the municipality, while also vying for a top position in the party. But who is Haris Doukas, and what are his connections to the city of Athens, the PASOK party, and even education?

Mayor of Athens and PASOK Candidate

In a recent interview with SKAI, Haris Doukas expressed his intention to continue working on daily critical issues in the municipality, despite his candidacy for the leadership of the PASOK party [[3]]. He emphasized that his effort is aimed at strengthening the Local Self-Government, and he believes that he can continue to be mayor while running for the party leadership, just like in the rest of Europe.

As Mayor of Athens, Doukas has highlighted his accomplishments in the municipality, including interventions for greenery and the double redevelopment of an area that had become a garbage dump. He has also announced plans to create a green space twice the size of the national garden, with the bulldozers having already entered the site [[3]]. Additionally, Doukas has announced that the redevelopment on Alexandras Avenue will take place in the next phase.

Accomplishments in the Municipality of Athens

Under the leadership of Mayor Doukas, the Municipality of Athens has seen significant transformations. One notable project is the redevelopment of an area that had become a 10-meter high garbage dump. The bulldozers have entered the site, and plans are underway to create a green space twice the size of the national garden [[3]]. Additionally, Doukas has announced that the redevelopment on Alexandras Avenue will take place in the next phase.

Connection to Doukas School

Interestingly, the name Doukas is also associated with a private school in Greece, Doukas School [[2]]. This school, located in Athens, offers a range of educational programs from kindergarten to high school, including International Baccalaureate (IB) and GCE. While it is unclear if there is a direct connection between Haris Doukas and the school, the shared name is an interesting coincidence.

Education Background

Haris Doukas is a mechanical engineer from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), with a PhD in the area of decision support systems for energy policy and management [[2]]. He is also a professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA in Energy Policy and Management [[1]].

PASOK and Greek Politics

As a candidate for the leadership of the PASOK party, Doukas has emphasized the need to change the system of government, which he believes creates super profits for very few. He has also noted that Greece has the most expensive interbank transactions and predatory interest rates, which must be changed [[3]]. Doukas believes that he has a great opportunity to become the prime minister of the country.


Haris Doukas is a multifaceted individual, with connections to the city of Athens, the PASOK party, and even education



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