Navigating China丨Concentrating on the Heart and Casting the Soul of a Teacher to Be a Satisfied Educator for the Party and the People

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that teachers are the foundation and source of education. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has stood at the strategic height of the development of the party and the country, and has put forward clear requirements for the work of teachers, pointing out the direction for the construction of the teaching team in the new era. In the past ten years, the scale of my country’s teaching staff has grown and the quality of teachers has improved significantly. The majority of teachers have lived up to the mission of the times and strived to become educators that the party and the people are satisfied with.

Xiong Guojin is a sophomore at Beijing Normal University. His hometown, Cengong County, Guizhou Province, used to be a deeply impoverished area. Along the way, it was the teacher who lit up his dream. Last year, he applied for the targeted employment normal students in the underdeveloped areas of the central and western regions, hoping to be a guide for more children in the mountains on the road of rural revitalization. Not long ago, he wrote a letter together with six other classmates, expressing his determination to take root in the central and western regions to General Secretary Xi Jinping. On the eve of Teacher’s Day, he and his classmates received a letter from the general secretary.

  Xiong Guojin, a targeted employment normal student in the “Excellent Teacher Program” majoring in geography of Beijing Normal University:In his reply, the general secretary said that he hopes that we will continue to uphold the school motto of “learning to be a teacher and be a world model”, and strive to grow into a good teacher of “four haves” that the party and the people are satisfied with. This makes me truly feel the general secretary’s concern for us. with expectations.

  Xiao Ke, a normal student in the “Excellent Teacher Program” of the Chinese Language and Literature major of Beijing Normal University:The general secretary encouraged us to increase our ability to preach and teach, and to teach in the places where the motherland and the people need us most in the future. I will live up to my entrustment, study hard, and return to my hometown following graduation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has insisted on the construction of the teaching staff as the basic work, and has always cared regarding the majority of teachers. Almost every Teacher’s Day, more than 18 million teachers across the country will receive holiday blessings from the general secretary. He described the status of teachers with the words “supreme glory” and emphasized that teachers should become “the most respected profession in society”. “To create a good fashion of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society”, from sending letters to greetings to visiting teachers cordially, the general secretary took the lead in setting an example of respecting teachers and valuing education.

  Xu Jie, an ideological and political teacher at Beijing Bayi School:I am still very impressed. (September 2016) the general secretary met more than a dozen teachers who had taught him in those years. The subjects taught by these teachers at that time and their appearance in class made the little teachers who were present especially envious. The general secretary used his own practical actions to explain what it means to respect teachers and teach them.

Building morality and cultivating people is the fundamental task that must be implemented in the development of education, and is also the “big man of the country” that General Secretary Nianzi is here. He has repeatedly encouraged teachers not only to be teachers who impart book knowledge, but also to shape students’ character. , “Mr. Big” with character and taste.

Over the past ten years, a large number of outstanding teachers have responded to the general secretary’s earnest expectations with practical actions of “learning to be a teacher and acting as a world model”. The majority of teachers integrate morality and education into ideological and moral education, cultural knowledge education, and social practice education, so as to plant the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty in the minds of students.

  Zheng Quanshui, chief professor of Tsinghua Qian Xuesen mechanics class, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences:The general secretary said, “Teachers should become ‘big gentlemen’, model students for learning, work, and people, and promote students to grow into people with all-round development.” We bear in mind the general secretary’s entrustment, and guide students to establish their life aspirations by taking challenging issues in the frontier fields of major science and technology as the lead. At the same time, our teachers must keep in mind the important mission of educating people for the party and talents for the country, and strive to be a role model for students.

The three-foot podium is the national fortune. Focusing on consolidating the foundation and consolidating the foundation, a series of institutional reforms have escorted the formation of a high-quality professional and innovative teaching team that shoulders the important task of strengthening the country in education.

In the past ten years, the shortcomings of my country’s teaching team have been accelerated. The “Special Post Program” has added 1.03 million teachers to rural schools in the central and western regions; the central government has arranged 25.01 billion yuan to subsidize the living of rural teachers, benefiting 1.3 million teachers in 76,000 rural schools in 725 districts and counties in 22 central and western provinces; more than 26 billion yuan has been invested to support remote areas About 600,000 dormitories for rural teachers have been built in difficult areas, and more than 830,000 teachers have lived there, allowing teachers to live and work in peace and contentment.

  Ma Yingcui, a primary school teacher in Zhongyi Township, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing:In recent years, the salary of our rural teachers has been improved year by year, and many policies such as talent allowances, living allowances, and professional title evaluation and employment have favored our rural teachers.

Through the “National Training Program”, the central government invested 20 billion yuan to train principals and teachers for more than 18 million person-times, and the training and training of basic education teachers has achieved remarkable results; promote the reform of teachers’ positions and professional titles, smooth the channels for teachers’ career development, and continuously stimulate the vitality of the teaching team; my country’s teacher education system has achieved a leap from “secondary teacher, junior college, undergraduate” to “junior, undergraduate, and graduate” three-level teacher education, and a high-level teacher education system with Chinese characteristics has been established and strengthened.

In the past ten years, the quality and quality of the national teaching team have improved. The total number of full-time teachers in my country will increase from 14.629 million in 2012 to 18.444 million in 2021, an increase of 26%. The quality of teachers at all levels has been continuously improved and the structure has been continuously optimized, supporting the world’s largest education system. Excellent talents are competing to teach, and teachers are all showing their talents, bringing good hope to hundreds of millions of students, and gathering strong talent momentum for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(CCTV reporter Hou Jun Liang Zhengzheng Pan Hongxu Li Jingjing Ma Li Gao Lei Xu Hu Lijuan Dong Liangyan Li Zhigui)

责编:丁玉冰 ]



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