Navalny’s mother and widow appeal to Putin – Give us his body so we can bury him with dignity [βίντεο] 2024-02-21 19:11:07

In a video posted on YouTube, 69-year-old Lyudmila Navalnaya, standing outside the Arctic Circle’s Polar Wolf Penitentiary Colony, where Navalny died, said: “I am turning to you, Vladimir Putin, because the solution to this problem depends only on from you. Let me see my son at last. I demand that Alexei’s body be released immediately so that I can bury him in a humane way.”

Alexei Navalny’s widow has renewed her request for her husband’s body to be returned to her “for a dignified burial”.

I don’t care how the killer’s press secretary comments on my words. Give back Alexei’s body and let him be buried with dignity, don’t stop people from saying goodbye to him.

And I really ask all journalists who may still ask questions: don’t ask regarding me, ask regarding Alexey.

— Yulia Navalnaya (@yulia_navalnaya) February 20, 2024

Addressing comments by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in which he called Yulia “uncouth” for her accusations that her husband was murdered with Novichok, Navalnya said: “I don’t care how the killer’s spokesman comments on my words. Give back Alexei’s body and let him be buried with dignity, don’t stop people from saying goodbye to him. And I really ask all journalists who may still be asking questions: don’t ask regarding me, ask regarding Alexei.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin did not watch the video of Yulia, the widow of dissident Alexei Navalny, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said today, calling her claims that her husband was poisoned with the Novichok nerve agent “baseless”.

When asked regarding Yulia Navalnaya’s allegation that Putin killed her husband, Peskov declined to comment because of her recent widowhood.

Nevertheless, the Kremlin spokesman commented that the accusations, according to which Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death, are baseless and abhorrent.

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#Navalnys #mother #widow #appeal #Putin #Give #body #bury #dignity #βίντεο



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