2023-06-13 04:17:29
NatureOn the 7th (local time), the magazine released a statement that it will not publish any images or videos generated by generative AI in its pages, at least for the time being. Artists, filmmakers, illustrators and photographers commissioned by Nature are asked to ensure that their submissions have not been generated or augmented by AI.
The reason why the magazine does not allow visual content by generated AI is to ensure honesty and transparency in both science and art, and because the attribution in the copyrighted work is not compatible with AI, when it involves intellectual property It cites non-compliance with the need for consent and permission acquisition, and privacy concerns.
However, we do allow the inclusion of text generated using generative AI (i.e. using LLM), with due diligence. The use of LLM should be documented in the methods or acknowledgments section of the manuscript, and the source of the data generated should be provided.
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