Nature guide: Here are three things you should pay particular attention to at the beach’s dunes

Already as a child, Jakob Kofoed spent many hours on the beach and in the dunes in the area around his childhood home near Saltum.

Fascinated by the magnificent nature – the roaring North Sea and a dune landscape in perpetual motion.

It has also been a focal point in his working life, because for many years Jakob Kofoed has been a nature guide in Hjørring Municipality.

The west coast is characterized by a very special nature that constantly changes its appearance due to the wind and the sea – as here at Lønstrup.
Photo: Lars Pauli

And it is with this experience in his luggage that he gives his advice on what you need to pay particular attention to in order to travel as safely as possible in the dunes and on the beach.

A general attention

But before we get there, there is just one thing we must establish. Safety has given many people food for thought since Sunday’s tragic accident, where two German boys died after a sandslide on the beach at Nr. Voruper.

It is not the specific case that Jakob Kofoed is speaking about or has an opinion on.

Instead, he uses his experience to talk about what you generally need to be aware of along the West Coast.

Both as an adult and as a child.

Use common sense

– You have to think about it when you walk in nature. Because it is always in motion and constantly changing. We have some active and dynamic coasts, where the forces of nature are really put into play, says 67-year-old Jakob Kofoed, who is associated with the Vendsyssel Historical Museum and, among other things, is a tour guide at Rubjerg Knude.

– But it must never become the case that we fear nature and do not use it. Instead of staying at home, we must go out and get to know nature.

North Jutland Emergency Services has also published information about traffic in dune areas.
North Jutland Emergency Services

– I don’t think the dunes are insidious, and it’s rare that anything goes wrong. But you have to be aware that storms and waves mean that changes happen quickly.

Jakob Kofoed mentions three things to be aware of: Overhangs, ravines and caves.

The nature guide also says that you should generally be aware of whether there is peat on the beach. Because it comes from above and has been washed out of the dunes and has created holes.

The children’s nature guide

Jakob Kofoed encourages adults to be very specific with children if you want to teach them what is a good place and a bad place to play in the dunes and on the beach.

Jakob Kofoed has always had a strong connection to the West coast – both in his private life and when he is at work.
Photo: Lars Pauli

– The dune landscape fascinates many, we have an urge to climb up – both children and adults are attracted by the view, he says.

– And children must also be allowed to play and run in the dunes, we have all tried to fight our way up through the sand and then just run back down at full speed.

Jakob Kofoed has no doubts about his call.

– The best thing you can do is to see yourself as the children’s nature guide.

The roaring West Sea and a dune landscape in perpetual motion have always fascinated Jakob Kofoed.
Photo: Lars Pauli

– You must remember to look up and let children do the same. If there are overhangs, you have to go around them, as there may be a risk of them falling down, says Jakob Kofoed.

Overhangs occur where wind or water eats into the lower part of the dune, leaving an overhang that can often be tons heavy due to vegetation and roots.

– If the overhang collapses, it triggers a sandslide, where the sand falls down and rolls over the beach. The risk is greatest if there is a lot of water.

Another thing to watch out for is gorges.

– In the dunes you often see small gorges where water flows out. You have to stay away from them, they can look like small caves, and the water makes the ground feel like quicksand, says Jakob Kofoed.

When he was a child on the West Coast in the 60s, the word went from mouth to mouth that you should stay away from caves. Both digging them yourself – and those that naturally occur.

– Dunes are made up of something hard – clay. And of soft sand. Wind, waves and rain can wash it loose, and then a cave can appear. Often right down to beach level, says Jakob Kofoed.

– You have to teach your children to stay away from that. Sand becomes unstable when digging, nothing holds it. And rain increases the risk of it slipping and crashing.

2024-08-29 18:28:43
#Nature #guide #pay #attention #beachs #dunes



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