Natural Ways to Look After Your Teeth

Dental health is an important aspect of one’s overall health, and shouldn’t be overlooked. Without proper care and attention, poor oral hygiene can result in dental issues which can have serious implications on your overall health and wellbeing.

It pays to have a good dental routine in place to keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy and strong. In this article, we will explore some natural ways you can look following your teeth.


Sugary or acidic food and drink can erode enamel and remove minerals from your teeth causing tooth sensitivity and increased risk of your teeth cracking or chipping. Drinking fruit juices and sodas through a straw can help to reduce the amount of sugar that comes into contact with your teeth, reducing damage and the likelihood of cavities forming. One exception to this rule is that you shouldn’t use a straw following wisdom teeth removal.

Brushing and flossing alone will not remineralize your teeth and build back enamel, however, this can be repaired and strengthened through your diet instead. Eating certain foods that are rich in minerals such as calcium, or taking supplements, can help to protect your teeth and make them stronger.  Foods that are high in calcium include dairy products like cheese, milk and yogurt as well as cabbage, tofu, salmon, almonds, broccoli and kale.

Oil Pulling

Studies have found oil pulling is important for reducing the amount of bacteria in the mouth which are responsible for tooth decay. Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil, such as coconut oil, around your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes to remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth which contribute to enamel erosion, bad breath, tooth decay as well as gum and tooth infections. Doing this practice regularly can help to improve your overall dental health.

Tongue Scraping

Most people overlook this step as part of their daily oral hygiene routine. The bacteria that forms on the tongue and is responsible for giving it a whitish appearance first thing in the morning is the reason many of us have ‘morning breath.’ When you sleep, food debris can become lodged between your teeth, gumline and the papillae of your tongue.

This is why you should scrape your tongue every morning using a tongue scraper or the back of your toothbrush. As well as giving you fresher breath, you will also have the sensation of a cleaner, healthier mouth.

Regular Checkups

A regular visit to your dentist every six months can help keep tooth decay and infections at bay. With specialist tools and equipment to clean your teeth, your dentist or hygienist can remove built-up plaque from beneath your gum line and between your teeth which brushing alone cannot do.

Drink Water

Drinking water will help to flush out any food particles between your teeth as well as bacteria from your mouth and gums. It is a good practice to rinse your mouth out with water following eating or drinking sugary substances as this will dilute any bacteria and acid in your mouth which can cause decay.

By incorporating these five tips into your dental hygiene practices you can help keep your teeth healthy for longer.



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