Natural Tourism Parks Participate in Building the Economy and Community Needs

Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya (DOK KLHK)

THE NUMBER of National Parks until 2024 will be 56 throughout Indonesia. National Parks as conservation areas are natural tourism parks with an economic approach or nature based economy which is encouraged by the local government and for the benefit of regional income while maintaining sustainability.

“Apart from that, grand forest parks are also increasing with the interest of building on an ecosystem basis for the economy and community needs such as sources of drinking water, tourism and healing with the principle of conservation partners,” said the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya at the Ambassador Bamboo Bike Club event at the Office KLHK, Jakarta, Sunday (29/9).

There are still challenges in management in general, such as habitat fragmentation, rapidly changing climate change and wildlife conflicts.

Until 2023, 72,961 animal births will be recorded. Meanwhile, the release of wild animals was carried out during the period 2016 to 2023 as many as 756,356 individuals.

“The development of wild plant and animal breeding business activities is positively correlated with the investment value and the number of workers absorbed from these business activities,” he said.

During 2014 to 2023, wild plant and animal distribution activities were able to absorb investment of IDR 1.02 trillion with a permanent workforce of 26,925 people. Biodiversity is becoming a new economic resource with high value in the form of bioprospecting.

Apart from that, he also expressed his thanks to the ambassadors for the good cooperation and support from friendly countries to Indonesia.

“Thank you for working together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and at certain times also with the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo at various events. Thank you for your togetherness and I hope that your working relationship with the Ambassador Bamboo Bike Club will become closer,” he concluded. (S-1)

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