Natural Solutions and Preventive Techniques to Tackle Snoring

2024-07-26 13:00:33

Home > Health advice > Natural treatments and prevention against snoring written on July 26, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Snoring: some natural solutions Article published in newspaper n° 126

Also called ronchopathy, nocturnal snoring affects nearly 60% of men and nearly 40% of women. It is caused by fatigue, alcohol, taking certain medications or obesity. Long considered medically discredited, snoring can be a sign of a more serious pathology, sleep apnea.

Snoring is a vast problem that disrupts the nighttime serenity of sleeping couples, even if snoring sometimes also affects the child. The causes are multiple but the first mentioned is a narrowing of the air passage at the back of the throat. In fact, they are varied: dry nose (overheated room) but also inflamed nose (often blocked). One cause is never taken into account because it is unknown to the medical world: inflammation of the intestines (colon), because these have the same embryological origin as the cells of the nasal mucosa and are therefore directly related to it. If the intestines are inflamed, the nasal mucosa are also inflamed. Clearly, finding a solution for snoring involves also taking care of the colon problem.

Nasal wash, aromatherapy and ventilation against snoring

At bedtime, there are a few precautions to take:

• Make sure that the nose is clean and clear. For this, nasal solutions – most often based onsea ​​water – will be used. The simplest method is to inject salt water using a bulb (a nasal aspirator for children) into the nostrils one after the other. Blow the water out by blowing strongly, one nostril after the other as well. In children, a handkerchief can be used.

• In order to relax your bellypractice breathing…

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#Natural #Treatments #Prevention #Snoring

Here are some related questions for the​ title **Natural Treatments and Prevention Against Snoring**:

Natural Treatments and Prevention Against ‍Snoring

Snoring, also known as‌ ronchopathy, ‍is a common issue that affects nearly 60% of men and 40% ⁢of women. It is often caused ⁢by fatigue,​ alcohol consumption, certain medications, ‍or obesity, and can‌ be a sign of a more serious condition, sleep apnea. Snoring disrupts ​the peaceful sleep of couples, and sometimes even⁢ affects ​children. The causes of snoring are varied, including a narrowing of the⁤ air passage at the back of the⁢ throat, dry ‌nose, and inflamed nose. Additionally, inflammation of the intestines (colon) can also contribute to ⁢snoring, as the cells ⁢of the nasal ⁣mucosa and intestines have the ⁤same ⁤embryological origin and are​ directly related.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Snoring

Fortunately, there are several natural treatments and⁤ lifestyle changes that can help⁢ prevent‍ snoring. These include:

Losing weight: Being overweight ​can ‌contribute to ‌snoring, ⁤so losing weight can help reduce the likelihood of snoring [[1]].

Changing sleep position: Sleeping on your side can⁣ help reduce snoring⁢ [[2]].

Getting enough​ sleep: Lack of sleep‌ can cause​ snoring, so⁤ getting enough rest is essential [[2]].

Raising the head of your bed: Elevating the head of your bed by 4-6⁣ inches ⁣can help reduce snoring [[2]].

Practicing⁣ good sleep hygiene:‍ Establishing ⁤a consistent sleep schedule, ‍avoiding caffeine and alcohol​ before bedtime, and creating a relaxing sleep environment can help prevent⁢ snoring [[3]].

Avoiding‍ alcohol: Drinking alcohol⁤ can relax ⁤the throat muscles, causing snoring [[3]].

Nasal Wash,‍ Aromatherapy, and Ventilation

At bedtime, there are several precautions you can take to ⁣reduce snoring:

Nasal wash: Use nasal solutions based on ​sea water to clean and clear your nose [[4]].

Aromatherapy: Certain essential ⁣oils,‌ such as eucalyptus and peppermint, can help alleviate snoring [[4]].

* Ventilation: Keeping your bedroom well-ventilated can​ help reduce snoring ⁣ [[4]].

Taking Care of ‍Your Colon

As mentioned earlier, inflammation of the intestines (colon) can‌ contribute ⁤to ‍snoring.​ Taking ​care of your colon health through a balanced diet, regular​ exercise, and reducing stress can help alleviate ⁣snoring.

snoring ⁤is a common issue​ that can be addressed through ⁢natural treatments​ and lifestyle changes. By making simple⁢ changes to your ⁢daily routine and taking care of your overall health, you can reduce ‍the likelihood of‍ snoring and⁤ improve the quality of ​your sleep.





[4] (Original article)

Note: The references provided are from reputable sources and can⁢ be used to support the information presented in ⁣this⁣ article. ⁤However, the original article ⁤appears to be a ‍subscriber-only content and may not be accessible to the general public.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **Natural Treatments and Prevention Against Snoring**:

Natural Treatments and Prevention Against Snoring

Snoring, also known as ronchopathy, affects nearly 60% of men and 40% of women, disrupting the nighttime serenity of sleeping couples and even affecting children. While commonly considered a mere annoyance, snoring can be a sign of a more serious pathology, sleep apnea. The causes of snoring are numerous, including fatigue, alcohol consumption, certain medications, and obesity. However, a lesser-known factor is inflammation of the intestines (colon), which is directly related to the nasal mucosa.

Understanding Snoring

Snoring occurs when the air passage at the back of the throat is narrowed, causing the tissues in the throat to vibrate, producing the characteristic sound. The nasal mucosa can become inflamed due to various factors, such as a dry nose (often caused by an overheated room) or an inflamed nose (often blocked). To find a solution to snoring, it is essential to address the underlying causes, including taking care of the colon problem.

Natural Remedies for Snoring

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies and prevention methods that can help alleviate snoring. Here are some effective solutions:

1. Sleep on Your Side

Sleeping on your side can help reduce snoring by keeping your airways open. This simple change in sleeping position can make a significant difference. [1[1]

2. Get Enough Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is essential for overall health, and it can also help reduce snoring. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help regulate your breathing and reduce snoring. [1[1]

3. Raise the Head of Your Bed

Raising the head of your bed by 4-6 inches can help reduce snoring by keeping your airways open. This can be achieved by using blocks or books under the legs of your bed. [1[1]

4. Use Nasal Strips or a Nasal Dilator

Nasal strips or dilators can help open up your nasal passages, reducing congestion and snoring. [1[1][3[3]

5. Lose Weight

If you’re overweight, losing weight can help reduce snoring. Excess weight can cause fat to accumulate in the throat, narrowing the airway and causing snoring. [2[2]

6. Nasal Wash and Aromatherapy

Nasal washes and aromatherapy can help reduce congestion and inflammation in the nasal passages, reducing snoring. Use nasal solutions based on sea water to clean and clear your nose before bedtime. [1[1]

7. Change Your Sleeping Position

Changing your sleeping position can help reduce snoring. Try sleeping on your side or back with a pillow under your knees to take pressure off your neck and throat. [2[2]

8. Get to Know Your Own Snoring Patterns

Identify your snoring patterns and triggers to tackle the root cause of your snoring. Keep a snoring diary to track your snoring patterns and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. [2[2]


Snoring is a common problem that can be addressed through natural remedies and prevention methods. By understanding the causes of snoring and implementing these simple solutions, you can reduce snoring and improve the quality of your sleep. Remember, it’s essential to address the underlying causes



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