Natural remedies are those techniques that are used at home using natural plants and other ingredients. that the environment gives us and that They have very effective properties to deal with health problems in the human skin..
This homemade solution can help treat many pathologies and ailments, including intestinal parasites.
If you suffer from an intestinal parasite infection or know someone who is suffering from this, in these lines we offer you some natural remedies to relieve the discomfort.
First of all you should know that although they are natural, They cannot be taken lightly and cannot replace the opinion and recommendations of specialist doctors.
On the other hand, you must keep in mind that a parasite is an organism that lives inside another species or that benefits from the host, in this case like in the human digestive tract.
Parasites benefit from association with other organisms that are affected by this symbiotic interaction; therefore, it is essential to combat them as soon as possible to avoid damage to the person’s gastrointestinal tract, among other problems.
Symptoms of intestinal parasitic infection
The clinical picture of pathogens in the intestine can cause: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, dysentery, fatigue, tiredness, itchy tail, gas, general weakness, weight loss and loss of appetite.
Causes of parasites
– Poverty.
– Undercooked food.
– Poor hygiene.
– Consumption of contaminated water.
– Lack of education.
It can also be contracted through fecal-oral transmission, infected soil, animals, lack of access to safe waste disposal or hygienic resources, lack of clean water, and other factors.
The effects of pathogens in the human gut can impact a person’s nutrition, reducing micronutrient absorption, blood loss, appetite and weight.
At the same time, it can cause anemia, malaria, insomnia, irritability, malaria, physical and mental disabilities, skin irritation in the anus, growth retardation in children and other diseases.
Homemade solutions
– Drink water and fluids. Experts recommend drinking coconut water, soups and sugar-free fruit juices.
– Papaya and rue seeds. Prepare a tea by mixing the above and drink it warm during the day.
– Flavored milk. Boil 10 green peppermint leaves in 100 ml of skimmed milk, let it rest, add honey and drink 1 hour before breakfast.
– Ginger. Blend a glass of water with 2 cm of peeled ginger root, add honey, strain and drink 3 times a day.
– Turmeric. Boil 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder in 150 ml of water, let it rest and take 3 times a day.
– Thyme and chamomile. Take an infusion with a mixture of both and drink it twice a day for 7 days.
– Chamomile or thyme. Prepare 1 liter of infusion with these plants, which are effective once morest parasites, and drink it during the day for a month.
– Garlic, rosemary and olive oil. Place 3 crushed garlic cloves in a 700 ml container, add 500 ml of olive oil and a sprig of rosemary. Then store the tea for 10 days and finally add it to your meals.
– Anise. Boil 1 tablespoon of anise seeds in a cup of water, let it rest, strain and drink with every meal.
– Pumpkin. Eat a pumpkin seed in the morning.
– Lemon. Drink lemon juice once a day on an empty stomach.
– Spearmint and mint. Prepare an infusion by boiling it in mineral water or in a glass of warm milk and drink it on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.
– Carrot. Prepare carrot juice with lemon juice and drink it for 3 days.

To do?
It is essential to deworm, maintain a good diet, and reduce sugary foods.
Improve cleanliness and hygiene, wash your hands constantly, sanitize your environment, and even deworm your pets, and most importantly, consult a specialist.
#Natural #remedies #treat #intestinal #parasites
2024-07-09 01:07:19