Natural Remedies for Dry Cough Relief: Tea with Honey and Ginger

2023-12-23 12:00:00

Written in LIFESTYLE on 12/23/2023 · 06:00 hs

At these times of year people can get sick. Climate changes and low temperatures become harmful to society.

So much so that their body begins to feel cramped, they have colds or dry coughs, which is a inconvenience for many. If you want to know how you can get relief from this illness, without medication, here we tell you.

What natural products are good to relieve dry cough?

If you go to the doctor, they will surely prescribe several medicines and many times they hurt the stomach, but if you don’t want to take so many pills, there are two natural ways to get rid of a dry cough.

“Medical News Today” mentions one of these recipes and it is tea with honey. You must mix these two so that you reliefs and what you need are:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • Herbs tea

You must drink the mixture 2 times a day, because honey replaces dextromethorphan as this is a medicine to suppress cough.

Believe it or not, ginger makes it much easier asthmatic or dry coughbecause it has anti-inflammatory properties and can also relieve nausea, pain and reduce cough.

What you need to prepare the natural remedy is the following:

  • 20 to 40 grams of fresh ginger slices
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • Honey and lemon to taste

You must mingle everything in the cup of hot water, let it cool for a few minutes before drinking it and you will see that it will calm your cough.

With these two natural remedies you will be cured of dry cough, because the nutrients they have help a lot and the best of all is that they are Ingredients natural.

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