Natural recipes for dry hair to treat the problems of brittleness and precipitation as soon as possible

Most girls tend to use natural ingredients in the treatment of various hair problems, because they are very effective and successful in achieving the best results, in addition to that they do not cause any side effects on the hair, and they can be used safely, and today we present to you recipes for dry hair from ingredients that contain many One of the vitamins and elements that hair needs in order to get rid of the problems of breakage and loss.

A natural recipe for treating dry hair problems

We prepare four tablespoons of mayonnaise, two tablespoons of coconut oil with a tablespoon of olive oil, stir them together well, then distribute this mixture to the whole hair from roots to ends, and leave it on the hair for about half an hour, with the necessity Wrap it in a hot towel, and after the period ends, we wash it well with water and shampoo, and this recipe is repeated once a week to achieve the best results.

A recipe for the treatment of brittleness and dry hair loss

We need half a cup of mayonnaise, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of white honey, and mix them with each other well, then we distribute this mixture on the whole hair from roots to ends and leave it for an hour to a quarter, taking care to cover it in this The period is with a hot towel, after which the hair is washed with water and shampoo well, and it is repeated once a week.

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