Natural methods may be unconventional for teeth whitening, such as pearls

Natural ways that may be unconventional to whiten teeth, such as pearls

Natural methods may be unconventional for teeth whitening, such as pearls, The most important characteristic of a person is his physical health, and the strength and health of the teeth is one of the most important basics that a person should take care of. After that, he moves to the part of lightening its color, and paying attention to aesthetics, so we decided to save many the trouble of going to a doctor and decided to list some natural methods available for cleaning teeth.

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Using natural oils to whiten teeth

We will mention to you the most important natural oils that can be used in order to get white teeth, in this way:-

  • The use of olive oil and its incorporation on the toothpaste works to remove the charitable layer deposited on the teeth.
  • The use of coconut oil on toothpaste also enhances the strength of the teeth, giving them whiteness and a good smell.

Use lemon and salt

It is now possible to use saline solution for dental hygiene, by trying this recipe:-

  • Mix a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, add a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice to a large glass of water, and use this recipe as a toothpaste.
  • This mixture works to get rid of the odors that reside in the teeth as a result of the presence of food residues between the teeth and each other, as well as to kill microbes and get rid of them permanently.


  • If you want to keep your teeth from decay, you must stick to using the toothbrush and toothpaste permanently.
  • Reducing the intake of sweets, because excessive consumption of them causes tooth decay, in addition to the fact that chocolate leaves a brown color that accumulates on the teeth.

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