Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics for Cageless Laying Hens: Research and Innovation by Biotech Research Group

2023-06-20 00:14:37

Functional Ingredients and Food Innovation Research Group Researcher The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) proposes a ‘natural alternative to antibiotics’ for ‘cageless laying hens’.

20 June 2023, Biotech Researcher by Dr. Weerapong Woraprateoi, Researcher of Functional Ingredient and Food Innovation Research Group The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Biotech), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) proposes an alternative natural substance technology to replace antibiotics. For raising cage-free laying hens To help enhance the potential of cage-free laying hens to be successful. Follow the trend of the global trend to Southeast Asia and Thailand. In a seminar on ways to drive to enhance the potential of cage-free layer chicken farming in Thailand Which was recently held at the Thailand Science Park, Pathum Thani Province by the Technology and Innovation Development Support Program (ITAP) NSTDA.

Dr. Veerapong Vorapraprayot, a biotech researcher, said that in the current laying hens raising Antibiotics are used for three main purposes: prevention of disease; (prophylactic), growth promoting (growth promoting) and used in the treatment of bacterial infections in animals (treatment). Several studies have shown that Eggs in antibiotic-treated systems are highly contaminated with antibiotics and are dangerous for consumers. which results from eating eggs contaminated with antibiotics It can cause itching, redness, nausea and vomiting. Including the balance of microbes in our body has changed. Some pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract are able to adapt and develop drug resistance. making it impossible to use the original drug to treat the disease It is necessary to increase the dosage or change the drug, so the use of non-chemical alternatives. To replace antibiotics is an interesting and important alternative. to achieve sustainability Because human health is inevitably related to animal health.

There are many natural alternatives to antibiotics. potential for the management of pathogenic microorganisms in animal husbandry There are many types, the first type is probiotics (Probiotics), which are useful living microorganisms. able to create important substances such as bacteriocin (bacteriocins) that act once morest bacteria Short-chain fatty acids and vitamins essential for animal growth and immunity. and the ability to crowd out pathogenic bacteria (competitive exclusion) in the intestines, allowing the animals’ intestinal health to be able to fully utilize the nutrients they provide.

Next comes prebiotics (Prebiotics) as food for probiotics. Helps in the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of animals / Organic acids can inhibit pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. Helps maintain microbial balance and increase the efficiency of digestion and absorption of protein and mineral nutrients Including being used as a source of energy for gastrointestinal mucosa cells / phytogenics (Phytogenics), important substances from plants such as essential oils and polyphenol compounds effective in inhibiting bacteria stimulate the immune system and antioxidants which cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract leading to illness of animals / Enzymes help digestion and destroy anti-nutrients. Some types of anti-nutritional factors allow animals to digest and absorb nutrients to their full potential. Do not leave excess nutrients in the animal’s intestines. This keeps the microbial population at a balanced level without adversely affecting animal health.

There is also Immunoglobulin Y (Immunoglobulin Y, IgY) is an antibody found in hen egg yolk activated with antigen for the prevention and treatment of intestinal bacterial infections of animals. / Antimicrobial peptide (Antimicrobial peptides) are peptides or short-chain proteins that have antibacterial activity. It can be used to kill pathogenic bacteria directly. or to stimulate the animal’s immunity to deal with other pathogens Some antimicrobial peptides also exhibit antioxidant activity. anti-inflammatory and accelerates the healing of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract as well Antimicrobial peptides can be obtained from a variety of sources, such as lactic acid bacteria, animal sources such as egg white lysozyme, and bacteriophages. (bacteriophage)

“Alternatives are still relatively new alternatives to the cage-free laying hen industry. But it has great potential as it has been tested in other economic animals, including broilers. and caged laying hens found that the results were satisfactory. By not only dealing with pathogens in animals but also keep the animals healthy. and better productivity In addition, alternative substances such as probiotics, essential oils digestive enzymes and lysozyme antimicrobial peptides It is ready for both pilot and industrial production. BIOTEC is currently conducting research and development to suit cageless eggs. Including requiring entrepreneurs who are interested in participating in research studies to develop such important substances. Interested entrepreneurs can contact the Biotech Research Group. Including entrepreneurs interested in raising cage-free laying hens. under a special project “In-depth consultation, short-term, free of charge” with the ITAP NSTDA program. For more information, please contact 0 2564 7000 ext.

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