NATO ships increase presence in Taiwan Strait

Two German warships are awaiting an order to cross the Taiwan Strait for the first time in 22 years, amid NATO’s increased presence in the Pacific region, European media reported.

The frigate Baden-Wuerttemberg and the replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main may cross the strait in September, but “the decision has not yet been made,” said the commander of the German Navy’s naval task group, Rear Admiral Axel Schulz. The official noted that the decision could be influenced by weather conditions.

“We are displaying our flag here to demonstrate that we stand alongside our partners and friends, our commitment to the rules-based order, the peaceful resolution of territorial conflicts and free and secure sea routes,” Schulz said, adding that he did not foresee no specific security measures to cross the strait since it is an “ordinary passage.”

At the same time, the rear admiral stressed that he expects “the Chinese Navy and possibly the coast guard or maritime militia” to escort the German ships, something he described as common practice.

The two ships are expected to arrive in Tokyo this Tuesday and then make stops in South Korea and the Philippines to participate in naval exercises with other NATO countries, including Italy, the US and France, and their allies in the region. , such as Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The maneuvers will be part of the increase in the military presence of Western countries in the region.

The passage of Western warships through the Taiwan Strait could increase tensions with China, which considers the strait part of its territorial waters. “The Taiwan question is China’s internal matter, and the key to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait lies in resolutely opposing ‘Taiwan independence’. “China has always opposed undermining its territorial sovereignty and security under the pretext of ‘freedom of navigation’,” commented Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ningel about the possible passage of German ships through the area.

#NATO #ships #increase #presence #Taiwan #Strait
2024-08-21 17:06:43



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