Nationwide State of Emergency to Be Declared Amidst Catastrophic Natural Disaster

Author: MSWiA/X

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After consultation with the relevant ministers and services, I have commissioned the preparation of a regulation of the Council of Ministers on the introduction of a state of natural disaster – informed Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Platform X.

Flooding continues in the south and west of Poland. The most dramatic situation is in Lower Silesia and the Opole region. Firefighters from the State Fire Service and volunteer fire brigades are on site, as well as thousands of police officers and soldiers from the Territorial Defense Forces. Police helicopters, including Black Hawk and Bell, were deployed to evacuate residents and monitor the flooded areas.

The dam in Stronie Śląskie in Kłodzko County has burst. In Głuchołazy in Nysa County, the pressure of the water destroyed a temporary bridge. Stronie Śląskie and Lądek ZdrĆ³j are practically impossible to reach. Kłodzka Streets are under water. The depth of water in the flooded quarters in the city center ranges from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Evacuation of people is underway in many places.

“Unfortunately, in many places there are repeated situations where some residents underestimate the level of danger and refuse to evacuate (ā€¦) On behalf of all services, I remind you to immediately carry out this call. Remember, if you refuse to evacuate, you create a serious danger and problem not only for yourself, but also for the emergency services, because it hinders their overall operation,” appealed Donald Tusk.

The government is preparing financial aid for the victims. Prime Minister Donald Tusk has ordered the Minister of Finance to prepare funds for emergency aid and flood damage removal. The payment of benefits will be coordinated by the governors, and the municipalities will pay them. “Yesterday, I obliged them to pay the benefits as quickly and as simply as possible,” said Tomasz Siemoniak, Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, in Katowice on Sunday. Jacek Dobrzyński, spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, said on Sunday that information on the detailed rules for paying the benefits still needs to be awaited.

According to the regulations, a state of natural disaster may be introduced to prevent the effects of natural disasters or technical failures that have the characteristics of a natural disaster and to remove them. It may apply in the area where a natural disaster has occurred, as well as where the effects of that disaster have occurred or may occur. A state of natural disaster is introduced for a specified period necessary to prevent or remove the effects of a natural disaster, but no longer than 30 days.. It may be extended by a regulation of the Council of Ministers, after the consent of the Sejm.

The state of natural disaster is – alongside martial law and the state of emergency – one of the three states of emergency ā€“ Like any other state of emergency, it should be introduced when other measures provided for in the regulations fail or seem to be insufficient in the face of the threat..

– What actions are being taken byā€Œ the Polish government in response to the state’s natural ā€disaster due to flooding?

Poland Introduces ā€ŒState of Natural Disaster Amid Widespread Flooding

Keywords: Poland, natural disaster, flooding, state ofā€‹ emergency, Donald Tusk, Lower Silesia, Opole region, evacuation,ā¢ financialā€‹ aid,ā€ government response

As the south and west of Poland continue to battle devastatingā€Œ flooding, theā€ country’s Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, has ā¢announced the introduction of a state of natural disaster. The move comes ā€‹after consultation with relevant ministers and services,ā¤ and aims to provide emergency aid and resources to affected areas.

The Scale of theā€Œ Disaster

The situation is ā£particularly dire in Lower Silesia and the Opole region, where firefighters, police officers, and soldiers fromā¤ the Territorial Defense Forces ā¢are working tirelessly to evacuate residents and monitor the flooded areas. Police helicopters, including Black Hawk and Bell, have been deployed to rescue trapped residentsā£ and survey the ā¤damage.

In Stronie Śląskie, a dam ā¢burst, while in Głuchołazy, ā€Œa temporary bridge was destroyed by the sheer ā€Œforce of the water. Stronie Śląskie and Lądek ZdrĆ³j are currently inaccessible, with manyā€ streets in Kłodzko County underwater. In some areas, the ā¢water level has reached as high as 1.5 meters, prompting a large-scale evacuation effort.

Residents Urged to Evacuate

Despite ā€Œthe risks, some residents are refusing to evacuate, a decision that has been metā€Œ with concern by ā¢authorities. Primeā€ Minister Donald Tusk has urged those affected to take the situation seriously and heed evacuation calls, warning that refusalā€Œ to do soā¤ puts not only themselves but also emergency services at risk.

Government Responseā€‹ and Financial Aid

In response to ā£the crisis, the government ā¢is preparing financial aid packages for flood victims. The Minister ā£of Finance has been ordered to allocate ā¢funds for ā€Œemergency aid and flood damage removal, with benefits to be coordinated ā€and paid by governors and municipalities.

The government’s swift response has been praised by officials, includingā€ Jacek Siewiera, who tweeted that the introduction of a state of natural disaster was ā¤”the right step to launch ā¤forces, resources, and financing within the European RescUE mechanism.”

What Does ā¢a State of Natural Disaster Mean?

According to Polish regulations, aā€‹ state of natural disaster can be introduced to prevent ā¤or mitigate the effects of natural disasters ā£or technical failures that have theā¢ characteristics of a natural disaster. The state of natural disaster may ā£apply in areas directly affected by the disaster, asā€ well as those where ā¤the effects of the disaster have occurred or may occurā€‹ in the future.

By introducing a state of natural disaster, ā€Œthe Polish government can mobilize additionalā£ resources, personnel, and funding to support affected ā€‹regions and facilitate theā¤ recovery process.

As the situation continues toā€ unfold,ā€ Poland’s government remains committed to providing support to those affected and workingā£ towards a swift recovery.

What are the main reasons for Poland declaring a state of natural disaster due to severe flooding?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Poland Declares State of Natural Disaster Amid Severe Flooding

As the severity of the flooding in southern and western Poland continues to escalate, Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced that the government is preparing to introduce a state of natural disaster. The move comes after consultation with relevant ministers and services, and aims to provide emergency aid and financial support to those affected by the devastating floods.

Situation Critical in Lower Silesia and Opole

The most critical areas affected by the flooding are Lower Silesia and the Opole region, where thousands of police officers, firefighters, and soldiers from the Territorial Defense Forces are working tirelessly to evacuate residents and monitor the situation. Police helicopters, including Black Hawk and Bell, have been deployed to assist in the evacuation efforts and monitor the flooded areas.

Dams Burst, Bridges Destroyed, and Cities Underwater

The dam in Stronie Śląskie in Kłodzko County has burst, while a temporary bridge in Głuchołazy in Nysa County was destroyed by the pressure of the water. Stronie Śląskie and Lądek ZdrĆ³j are currently inaccessible, with Kłodzka Streets underwater. The water level in the flooded city center areas ranges from 50 cm to 1.5 meters, with evacuation efforts underway in many places.

Residents Urged to Heed Evacuation Calls

Despite the dire situation, some residents are reportedly underestimating the level of danger and refusing to evacuate. Prime Minister Donald Tusk has appealed to those affected to take the situation seriously and heed the evacuation calls, emphasizing that refusal to evacuate not only poses a risk to themselves but also hinders the overall operation of emergency services.

Government Prepares Financial Aid for Victims

The government is preparing to provide financial aid to those affected by the floods. Prime Minister Donald Tusk has ordered the Minister of Finance to prepare funds for emergency aid and flood damage removal, with the payment of benefits to be coordinated by the governors and paid by municipalities. The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Tomasz Siemoniak, has instructed municipalities to pay the benefits as quickly and simply as possible.

International Assistance Sought

The Polish government is also seeking international assistance, with plans to activate the European RescUE mechanism to access additional resources and financing. The deployment of SAR Coastal Rescue Stations and the activation of the RacibĆ³rz Dolny reservoir are among the measures being taken to mitigate the impact of the flooding.

As the situation continues to unfold, our thoughts are with those affected by the devastating floods in Poland. Stay tuned for further updates and information on how you can assist in the relief efforts.

Keyword-rich phrases used:

State of natural disaster

Flooding in Poland

Lower Silesia and Opole

Emergency aid and financial support

Dam bursts and bridges destroyed

Cities underwater

Evacuation efforts

International assistance

* European RescUE mechanism

Meta description:

Poland declares state of natural disaster amid severe flooding in Lower Silesia and Opole. Get the latest updates on the government’s response, evacuation efforts, and financial



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