Nationwide mobilization for Special Education on September 28 at the Ministry of Education

The Union of Employees in Private Law Health Institutions & NHID of the Prefecture of Achaia, through its announcement – call states the following:

The Branch Association of Workers in Private Health Care – Welfare – Special Education of the Prefecture of Achaia invites the Special Education workers of our Prefecture, all colleagues in the sector and all the people of Patras, to the nationwide mobilization for Special Education and for the right of children to Education and Rehabilitation on Saturday, September 28, at 12 pm, at the Ministry of Education (next to Neratziotissa station) demanding:

To appoint now all the necessary staff, educational and specialist scientific and auxiliary staff, so that all the necessary treatments are completed during the morning hours and that children and families are not forced to be on the street from morning to night and pay in gold the various private centers.
To make permanent here and now all substitutes, contract holders and newly appointed, not in the evaluation and categorization of schools, no dismissal.
It is the state’s responsibility to ensure housing for all families who need to move to send their child to school or to have their treatments, but also for all teachers and specialist staff who are forced to work away from home.
Free school meals for all children.
Public structures for early diagnosis and early intervention, high quality, education and rehabilitation of our children.
Modern, scientific syllabuses.
Ensure now the transportation of children for whom the school bell has not yet rung, so that parents are not even forced to quit their jobs to take their child to school.
Public and free transportation system with safe means, with permanent and qualified staff to transport children with disabilities and learning difficulties to and from special schools.
To carry out a full anti-seismic check in all special and general schools, to build new ones so that all inappropriate and dangerous schools can be replaced with new ones that will be safe for our children.
Buildings should now be found, in which, with the appropriate interventions, the schools housed in dangerous buildings can be moved and temporarily operated safely there.
To satisfy requests for parallel support of all children.
Not to merge schools and departments.
All schools, special and general, staffed with permanent nurses and social services for specialized support to children and parents. Defibrillators in all schools and a specialized tutoring service for special schools due to the particularity of the composition of the students.
Free treatments and necessary technological aids for all children without ceilings and exclusions, based on specialist referrals, with 100% coverage from the state budget. Free medical care.
Give the meningococcal vaccine for free, which costs 100 euros per dose, to all children.
Public high quality and free KDAP throughout Greece. No to the private KDAP of exploiting our needs.
Departmental Employment Agreement for all Special Education employees. No to the pad and labor relations – rubber.

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#Nationwide #mobilization #Special #Education #September #Ministry #Education



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