National Strategy to Prevent Violent Extremism: UNDP and Australia Strengthen…

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), through the Regional Project for the Prevention and Response to Violent Extremism in the Atlantic Corridor with funding from Australia, carried out capacity building for stakeholders on the Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Violent Extremism, the Integration of Actions for the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Planning Documents of Town Halls and the Development of Action Plans for the Prevention of Violent Extremism. It was from 13 to 16 August 2024 at the Bel Azur Grand Popo Hotel.

The general objective of this activity is to contribute on the one hand to the capacity building of stakeholders at the national level on the Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Violent Extremism and on the other hand, on the Integration of Actions for the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Planning Documents of the Town Halls (beneficiaries of the project) and the Development of Action Plans for the Prevention of Violent Extremism.

The participants, composed of all the actors involved in the fight against Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Terrorism from the ministries and institutions of the State, civil society organizations working in the field and actors at the local level of the beneficiary town halls (Kouandé, Péhunco, Toucountouna & Bassila), as well as the UNDP team are experienced in the capacities of the stakeholders on the integrated monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the national strategy for the prevention of violent extremism. The work also made it possible to facilitate the integration of actions to prevent violent extremism into the planning documents of the town halls and to develop action plans to prevent violent extremism, taking into account local specificities and integrating the principles of the national strategy.

The workshop adopted a participatory and practical approach, combining presentations, case studies, group exercises and small group work sessions. Papers are presented, followed by discussions, Presentation of the main axes of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Violent Extremism (Snpev), its action plan and its monitoring and evaluation mechanism, the diagnosis of the Coordination and monitoring mechanisms; evaluation of the implementation of the Snpev and the state of play of the consideration of actions for the prevention of violent extremism in the planning documents of the Town Halls.

At the closing ceremony, the UNDP Governance Team Leader, Dr Ibouraima Yankpé-Gbéré, and the Technical Advisor for Security to the Minister of the Interior and Public Security representing the Minister, Lucien Bonou, expressed their satisfaction with the quality of the debates.

The mayors spoke at the end of the meeting

Tassou Zakari Filikibirou (Mayor of the Municipality of Bassila)

“Thanks to this workshop, we learned about the national strategy for the prevention of extreme violence and terrorism and its action plan and this allowed us to get to the heart of the matter…”

Mayor of the Municipality of Péhunco

“The prevention of violent extremism, I believe today must be really necessary because the phenomenon is already at our doorstep. This workshop is a crucial opportunity for me because the commune of Péhunco that I lead is not immune to the phenomenon. Prevention is very essential because some of our communes are already under attack…”

Kouandé-Sounon Sanni Didier (Mayor of the commune of Kouandé)

“I will first thank the UNDP for this support and say that there is a close link between the new national strategy and the monitoring and evaluation mechanism as described by the Directorate of Planning and Financial Affairs (DPAF) of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, and what we already have in our planning documents at the municipal level. Thus, many activities already planned at the level of our municipalities, whether in the PCC or the documents that we are already considering putting in the local security plan, these actions are linked to what the central level has already planned…”




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