National Samsat Advisory Team Discusses Evaluation of Regident and Kesamsatan Services – 2024-08-03 20:14:59

Samsat Supervisory Team (Doc)

The Samsat Supervisory Team consisting of the Indonesian National Police Traffic Corps, Jasa Raharja, and the Directorate General of Regional Financial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs held a Coordination Meeting for Analysis and Evaluation of Registration and Samsat Services for the 2024 Fiscal Year in Medan, North Sumatra.

The event was attended by the Head of Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General of Police. Aan Suhanan, Director of Operations of Jasa Raharja Dewi Aryani Suzana, Director General of Regional Financial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs Horas Maurits Panjaitan, Acting Governor of North Sumatra Ahmad Fathoni, and participants consisting of Directors of Traffic Police of the Regional Police, Heads of Jasa Raharja Branches, and the Provincial Bapenda.

The implementation of this meeting is a joint effort to conduct analysis and evaluation of the implementation of the work program that has been carried out in semester 1 of 2024. This Evaluation Meeting resulted in 6 National Level Samsat Supervisor Commitments as a form of commitment to improving Samsat services.

This commitment was signed by the Head of the Indonesian Police Traffic Corps, Acting Director General of Regional Financial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the President Director of PT Jasa Raharja which will be implemented by all Samsat Supervisors at the Provincial Level.

In the agenda, the signing of the Joint Decree of Samsat Supervisors on the Elimination of Motor Vehicle Registration and Identification was also carried out. This Joint Decree is a continuation of the Kick off of the Implementation of Article 74 of Law Number 22 of 2009 which was carried out in Palembang on February 22, 2024.

This Joint Decree regulates the provisions for the removal of registration and identification of motor vehicles. First, motor vehicles that have undergone removal of registration and identification of motor vehicles cannot be re-registered. Second, the requirements, mechanisms, procedures, formats of application letters, statements, and letters of information on the removal of registration and identification of motor vehicles are further regulated by the decision of the Head of the Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police as the basis for implementation.

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Third, the Regional Government and Jasa Raharja must immediately prepare a decision or regulation to support the implementation of the elimination of motor vehicle registration and identification based on the request of motor vehicle owners. Fourth, all Provincial Samsat Supervisors can conduct massive socialization and glorification in various media starting in August 2024. And fifth, this Joint Decree of the National Samsat Supervisors is a reference for Provincial Samsat Supervisors in implementing the elimination of motor vehicle registration and identification.

With the signing of the Joint Recommendation and Decision of the Samsat Supervisors, all people are asked to immediately carry out the process of registering vehicles, paying PKB, and paying SWDKLLJ at Samsat. This is important so that the performance of Motor Vehicle Tax payments is better and public compliance is increasing, vehicle data

increasingly valid and accurate motorized vehicles, more optimal services to the community, and an increase in the state’s financial capacity for development and community welfare.

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Jasa Raharja Operations Director Dewi Aryani Suzana, said that the joint decision was very important considering the level of public compliance in registering motor vehicles had only reached 47.41%, which resulted in potential losses.

“We also express our gratitude and appreciation to all parties because until June 2024, compensation has decreased, both in terms of the number of victims and the nominal compensation,” he said.

Head of Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General Aan Suhanan, also said that the implementation of the joint decision of the Samsat Supervisory Team is very strategic because it will have an impact on increasing public compliance. “If the level of public compliance is high, it is hoped that the impact on traffic safety can be in line,” he said.

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The Director General of Regional Financial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Horas Maurits Panjaitan, said that his party is committed to implementing policies on motor vehicle registration, PKB and BBNKB payments, and SWDKLLJ that are integrated, fast, transparent, accountable, and informative.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of North Sumatra Ahmad Fathoni said that the revenue from the motor vehicle tax sector contributed more than 60% of the PAD of North Sumatra province and became one of the contributors to the budget in the district/city.

“In North Sumatra we will continue to improve. So, our common goal to carry out development, improve services, and public welfare can be achieved together,” he said. (Z-8)

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