National research program Environment Health Work: results of the 2020 calls for research projects | Handles

National research program Environment Health Work: results of the 2020 calls for research projects |  Handles

2020-12-18 16:27:52

ANSES pilots the National Environment-Health-Work Research Program (PNR EST), which it finances with delegated budgets from the ministries responsible for the environment and labor, as well as funds from partner establishments. For the third year, an additional budget of 2 million euros from the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition made it possible to specifically support projects on the theme of endocrine disruptors.

277 projects were submitted at the start of 2020, in response to two calls for projects, the first with a general vocation and the second on the theme of “radio frequencies and health”. After a rigorous selection process based on the evaluations of scientific committees, 34 projects were selected. 31 projects will be financed by ANSES (€5.6 million), two will be supported by the ITMO Cancer of the Aviesan Alliance, as part of the Cancer Plan (€0.25 million) and one project by ADEME (€0.18 million).

Provide knowledge in Anses’ areas of expertise

These projects will provide knowledge in ANSES’s different areas of expertise, addressing health risks for the population, risks for ecosystems and environmental quality. Six projects focus on occupational risks and three focus on the human and social sciences.

Different human pathologies are affected, such as cancer with two projects funded by ITMO Cancer, respiratory diseases (three projects), or intestinal diseases (one project). One project concerns child development, more precisely autistic disorder, and three others fertility disorders.

These projects will provide knowledge in the different ANSES areas of expertise, by dealing with health risks for the population, risks for ecosystems or the quality of environments. Six projects focus on professional risks and three present an opening in human and social sciences. Different human pathologies are affected, such as cancer, with two projects funded by ITMO Cancer, respiratory diseases, which are the theme of three projects, or intestinal diseases, on which one project focuses. Another project concerns child development, more precisely autistic disorder, and three others fertility disorders.

The projects selected for 2020 focus on one or more types of environmental and occupational exposure :

seventeen projects concern chemical agents, including ten on endocrine disruptors and five on plant protection products; four concern the theme of radio frequencies and health; six concern questions of indoor or outdoor air quality, including two on atmospheric pollution and two on particles and nanoparticles in the professional environment; two are interested in light pollution, including one on its effect as an endocrine disruptor; two projects concern the emerging problem of micro-plastics; three projects concern pathogens including two on their vectors, as part of vector control.

Among these projects, ten focus on poly-exposure to chemical and/or physical agents or even “cocktail” effects.

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