National Police of Ecuador Arrests Colombian Leader “El Gringo” of Oliver Sinisterra Front: Details and Updates

2024-01-23 01:24:14

The National Police of Ecuador announced this Monday (01/22/2024) the arrest in Ecuadorian territory of the Colombian Carlos Arturo Landázuri, better known as “El Gringo” and considered the leader of the Oliver Sinisterra Front, one of the dissidents of the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

“Last night in Imbabura, investigative and intelligence activities, carried out for 3 months, managed to capture Carlos L., alias “El Gringo”, a high-value target. Leader of the armed group Oliver Sinisterra from Colombia and linked to terrorist activities in Esmeraldas “, indicated the commander of the Ecuadorian police, César Augusto Zapata, on the social network X.

The Oliver Sinisterra Front, responsible for the murder of three Ecuadorian members of the newspaper El Comercio in 2018, operates between the Colombian department of Nariño (south) and the Ecuadorian province of Esmeraldas (north), where according to the police it has links with a criminal gang considered now by the government as a terrorist.

The arrest of “El Gringo” occurs in the midst of the “internal armed conflict” declared at the beginning of January by the government of Daniel Noboa to combat organized crime gangs, dedicated mainly to drug trafficking, and which he has classified as terrorist groups and non-state belligerent actors.

In mid-December, around fifteen alleged members of the Oliver Sinisterra Front were captured in Esmeraldas, near Ecuador’s border with Colombia, including Janer Cortés Ortiz, known under the pseudonym “Joker”, and whom the authorities They identified themselves as the third in command of this dissident.

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