National News Agency – Skaf visited John X in Balamand

NNA – Deputy Ghassan Skaf visited the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and the rest of the East, John X, at the patriarchal residence in Balamand.

After the meeting, Skaf said: “I was honored to meet His Beatitude on a visit, the first following the parliamentary elections, to take his blessing and hear his directives. I discussed with His Beatitude several issues related to church and public affairs, as well as the various situations that our country is witnessing at various levels. The meeting was very rewarding.”

He added: “The Lebanese people have the right to dream of a president. In fact, there are many parties in Lebanon who agree to reject the presidential vacuum in public, but we see that they are working for the presidential vacuum in secret. For us, the presidential vacuum is a vast sea, we know when it begins, but we We do not know where and how it ends. The priority today should be to elect a president, and the constitution in fact does not specify which government will take over in the event of a presidential vacuum, and the task of the government that takes over in the event of a vacuum will be the task of a transitional government whose mission is to facilitate the election of a president, not obstruct Entitlement and monopolization of power. A government, in our opinion, in its thirties or younger with a political mission, will shock the international community and become a government to manage the vacuum.”

He concluded: “Any government, in the event of a president being elected, will be a caretaker government, and in our opinion, whoever works for and plans for the vacuum will continue to flood the country and bury it alive.”

===== N.H.

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