National News Agency – Al-Baarini sponsored a reconciliation meeting between the Talib family, the Hamza family and the Abbas family from the Al-Qaytaa ship

NNA – Akkar – A reconciliation meeting was held in the office of Representative Walid Al-Baarini in Muhammarah between the Talib family, the Hamza family and the Abbas family from the Al-Qaytaa ship Akkar, against the background of a dispute over a plot of land years ago.

The meeting was attended by the chosen one, Muhammad Ahmad Abbas, retired brigadier general Farouk Hamza, lawyer Khaldoun Taleb, Wassef Tlais and Saad Musa.


Hamza gave a speech in which he said: “We thank all those who participated in the completion of this reconciliation, from Hajj Walid to the reconciliation committees. Today, we confirm that we are the people of this town, and the greatest thanks go to Hajj Walid, the first sponsor of reconciliations in Akkar, and we also thank the people of relations for their distinguished response to the peace agreement.”

MP Al-Baarini said: “The most important thing we need today, in light of crises and difficult situations, is these meetings of love and reconciliation that will tighten bonds and strengthen unity between the people of regions and towns, for our society is built only with humility, morals and love. We must stand shoulder to shoulder, to be a weapon for each other.”

He concluded: “We are heading to develop new development plans for Akkar away from personalization and selfishness, and to secure cooperation with donors to secure development projects for Akkar and its people.”

Finally, the agreed-upon map of the land was signed, and all problems were resolved.

============ OMR

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