National Institute of Statistics presented the final results of the 2022 Census

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The final results of the 2022 Census operation were presented, with greater detail on the composition and structure of the Paraguayan population, counted at 6,109,903 people.

The head of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Iván Ojeda, was in charge of presenting the results. Prior to this, he highlighted the census operation, which achieved 94% coverage and included transparency and socialization measures for the operation.

The 2022 Census was subject to institutional, administrative and financial control, with audits by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the organization that financed the census operation and the strengthening of the INE. Added to this was an audit by the Comptroller General of the Republic, which also found no irregularities.

At the political level, reports were submitted to Congress with more than 50,000 pages of responses to questions from senators and deputies, Ojeda said.

Finally, on census day, November 9, 2022, more than 200,000 people were mobilized for home visits, which continued in the following weeks with the census in rural areas and the recovery in urban areas.

Census results

The main result of the 2022 Census was announced on August 31, 2023, confirming that Paraguay has a population of 6,109,644; an amount lower than the projected 7,453,695.

This projection was made after the 2012 census did not yield results and the statistics from 1982 onwards were used as a basis. Thus, the slowdown in population growth is mainly explained by the decrease in the fertility rate and a greater negative migratory balance (more emigrations) than initially projected.

At the same time as the 2022 Census, the IV National Indigenous Census was carried out, which indicates that Paraguay has an indigenous population of 104,049 people.

In terms of population distribution, there is parity with 3,057,674 men and 3,052,229 women and an acceleration of population aging compared to 2012 when the median age was 24 years. In 2022, the median age of the population is 29 years, which means that half of the Paraguayan population is under 29 years old.

Another important fact during the presentation is the growth of housing, which is increasing at a rate of 3% per year. Paraguay has 1,749,336 occupied homes and the average number of occupants decreased from 4.8 people per home in 1992 to 3.5 in 2022.

Single-person households increased from 11.8% to 15.5% in ten years, while complete nuclear households decreased from 49.8% to 44.5%.

Regarding access to basic services, an increase in coverage has been observed over the last 20 years: access to electricity went from 89.1% in 2022 to 98.6%, access to running water from 52.7% to 79.3%, sewage from 63% to 85.7% and garbage collection service from 33.8% to 55.2% nationwide.

Geostatistical portal

The presentation of the 2022 Census is accompanied by a geostatistical portal which allows viewing data on population, housing, access to basic services, geographic data, among others, by district of each country.

#National #Institute #Statistics #presented #final #results #Census
2024-08-22 14:31:14



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