2023-09-12 16:57:00
A national information campaign was launched on September 4 to raise awareness of vaccination once morest human papillomaviruses offered this fall to all middle school students aged 11 to 14. More than 32,000 5th grade students are affected in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.
Parents of 5th grade students will receive an information kit in the coming days including an authorization request, to allow their child to benefit from free vaccination once morest human papillomavirus (HPV). In Burgundy-Franche-Comté, they will also be invited to webinars hosted by the HPV collective, to learn everything regarding this important public health operation announced by the President of the Republic last February.
In total, more than 32,000 5th grade students from 342 public and private middle schools are affected in the region.
Recommended by the High Authority of Health for all girls and boys aged 11 to 14, vaccination once morest HPV prevents up to 90% of infections, which are often non-symptomatic, but cause precancerous lesions and /or cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, etc.
Vaccination coverage remains insufficient. In 2022, it stood at 51% among girls in Burgundy-Franche-Comté (vs. 47% in France as a whole); and less than 12% among boys (vs. nearly 13% throughout France): rates well below the 80% objective set out in the ten-year strategy to combat cancer by 2030.
Mobile teams in establishments
The campaign organized this fall, and which is intended to be renewed each school year, should make it possible to take a decisive step in the prevention of cancer.
The ARS is mobilizing alongside the rectorates of Dijon and Besançon, the educational community, health professionals, etc.
In the 8 departments of the region, vaccination centers are in the process of setting up mobile teams, to intervene in establishments during school hours: the first dose will be administered between October and December 2023, the second between April and June 2024 ( following a two-dose vaccination schedule 6 months apart).
This vaccination campaign, free for users, is financed by Health Insurance and the ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
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