national human research council

2024-08-26 15:42:10

The Committee consists of 22 members (members are appointed in the order in which they are appointed) and ensures the coherence of the operation of the Personal Protection Committee, in particular through the recommendations it makes.

Additionally, she is responsible for:

Introduction to the Committee on Personal Protection (CPP) : CPP advises on Research Involving Humans (RIPH), specifically regarding the protection of those involved in research. Before the study can be carried out, the committee must give a “for” or “against” opinion. This opinion is “compliant”, that is, the sponsor of the research project cannot exempt or ignore it. Adverse opinions may be appealed through an appeal process to another CPP designated by the Ministry of Health. France has 39 CPPs.

– Adverse opinions (future)

– Collection of biological samples (to be completed)

– International Studies (Future)

– GDPR (coming soon)

– Securing decisions (future)

– Ethics (coming soon)

– Research design and methods (future)

– RIPH and data research (future)

#national #human #research #council



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