National Day: why was the Cinquantenaire Park evacuated early in the evening?

On the sidelines of the July 21 festivities, the Cinquantenaire Park has been temporarily evacuated.

The gates were reopened around 7:20 p.m. The very first festival-goers who came to watch the concert and fireworks at the Cinquantenaire entered.

The park remained closed for security reasons, the authorities wanted to carry out what they call a “sweeping”. It was therefore necessary to get out all the people who were in the park, those who took their time because there were some who did not move very quickly, to get everyone out so that they could then comb through and search the park before letting people in again.

As a reminder, Belgium is on level 3 terrorist alert, which means a serious threat since the attack on October 16th in which two Swedes were killed, but so all this has been delayed a little and it will probably take a few more dozen minutes before everyone can enter.

national holiday july 21



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