The government of Nicolás Maduro created the National Cybersecurity Council in the midst of the political crisis caused by the rejection of the results of the last presidential elections announced by the CNE. Experts answered a key question to Crónica Uno: what should we expect from this organization?
Caracas. In the Official Gazette No. 42,939, of August 12, formalized the creation of the National Cybersecurity Council, an organization that sees the light of day against a peculiar backdrop: the new chapter of the long political crisis in Venezuela and the allegations of alleged cyber attacks on websites in the country, including those linked to the electoral body.
The alleged attack on the National Electoral Council (CNE), which political party spokesmen and experts question, after no evidence has been offered, is precisely the biggest trigger for the constitution of this new body, which is born in the midst of a new wave of repression and censorship following the massive citizen rejection of the results of the last presidential elections announced by the CNE.
For citizens and experts, the creation of this entity is part of an escalation in control mechanisms to restrict freedom of expression and control the public narrative. This has been a hallmark of the more than 25 years that Chavismo has been in power.
Since the beginning of the governments of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, the press had been the main target of censorship. In the last two decades, it has been reported that the closure of more than 400 media outlets communication, according to the NGO Espacio Público.
This restrictive policy limits access to truthful information. This is what the NGO warned about on May 3, on the occasion of the presentation of its annual report on the situation of freedom of expression in Venezuela, corresponding to the year 2023.
These restrictions have ranged from the mass closure of newspapers and radio stations, to the Blocking of dozens of digital mediaMost of these measures were implemented by the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel), through administrative and sanctioning procedures.
With this panorama, two questions arise that experts try to answer in a conversation with Chronicle One.
What would be expected from the National Cybersecurity Council?
For the general coordinator of Redes Ayuda, Luis Serrano, this organization should have as its main function the protection of the country’s digital structure, especially that which is essential for its economic development.
“In addition, the websites of state institutions and portals that are necessary for strategic aspects of the country. This would include Seniat or Saime,” he said.
He also indicated that this type of entity has antecedents in countries such as Japan or the United States. In both nations, similar organizations protect the infrastructure that supports digital government and the sites of the institutions necessary for the functioning of democracy.
For his part, expert Fran Monroy agrees that this body should have functions of protecting the infrastructure. It should especially focus on developing manuals that help prevent cyber attacks.
Research, protect and create systems of defense against attacks, That should be the function. This is possible to do, at least there should be a procedure to stop the most common cyber attacks.”said.
What could degenerate into in the context of the situation in Venezuela
Despite its inherent functions, experts did not rule out the possibility that, in the context of the current crisis in Venezuela, the organization could serve to increase censorship and persecution of dissidents. This concern is shared by part of the citizenry.
Just days after its creation, a message began to circulate on social media and WhatsApp groups urging “prudence” when posting messages. The anecdote is a clear example of the fear that assails some citizens.
“Here You should not talk about content, but about processes, procedures, attacks, whether there is an anomalous process that implies suspicions of an attack. That is where the National Cybersecurity Council should act, but not regulate messages, for that there is already the Penal Code.”Monroy said.
But Serrano points out that NGOs such as Redes Ayuda, which defends human and digital rights, have reported the “focus on the persecution of dissent and in the control of information” exhibited by the government of Nicolás Maduro.
In this regard, he noted that the concerns of citizens following the creation of the Council are “legitimate.”
“Especially because we are in a context where we have censorship and repression,” he added.
Clear functions
None of the 13 functions established by the decree creating the National Cybersecurity Council authorizes the entity to monitor content and social networks, although it does order the activation of “a surveillance network during” the 24 hours that it addresses “telematic incidents”.
“But this already exists,” said Monroy, after indicating that the state-owned Cantv has a department that constantly monitors the network.
However, Serrano points out that the Official Gazette “It does not define the purpose of this surveillance to prevent it from becoming content monitoring or monitoring of communication between citizens.”
“So, what we don’t know is whether the monitoring will be to protect the institutions or will go further. That is, if it will lead to censorship and therefore a violation of human rights,” he added.
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2024-08-26 13:12:10