National Council election: These nine lists are on the ballot paper across Austria

The deadline for submitting nominations to the state electoral authorities was Friday at 5 p.m. This means that it is clear which parties will be represented on the ballot papers for the National Council elections on September 29.

Image: The Change


Change Party leader Fayad Mulla
Image: The Change

In addition to the five parliamentary parties – ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, Greens and Neos – four other lists made it nationwide: the Beer Party, KPÖ, the list of former Green Party leader Madeleine Petrovic and the “Wandel” party. “Wandel” will run this time as “NONE” (or “None of them”).
According to the report, four small parties managed to collect the required 2,600 signatures. Confirmation from the Interior Ministry that all of these parties had succeeded came early in the evening.



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