National Council election: FPÖ puts up posters for Kickl |

There are also slogans such as “The only one on your side”, “5 good years” or “Your heart says yes”. The time has now come for Austrians to set a new course, FPÖ General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz said at the presentation on Friday. Herbert Kickl is someone who has remained steadfast throughout his life and has always represented liberal values, it was asserted. He wants to be a “mouthpiece and protector” for the people. Kickl is the only one who is on the side of the people and who is there for the “entire Austrian family”, asserted Schnedlitz: “A liberal Chancellor Herbert Kickl should be something like a good family man for this Austrian family.”

“Your will be done”

In order to achieve the desired course, one should not stay at home, but go to the polls, was the appeal to possibly still undecided voters to be “courageous” this time and to dare to try something new: “Your word is yours, your will be done.”

Criticism was directed at the various political competitors – with SPÖ leader Andreas Babler also being mentioned due to the current events surrounding the resignation of Linz Mayor Klaus Luger. Babler does not even have his own party under control, Schnedlitz sneered.

The FPÖ’s top candidate from Carinthia, Gernot Darmann, who travelled to the presentation, promised a “positive reversal of momentum” if the FPÖ were to take on government responsibility. Above all, migration policy would change, he promised: “There needs to be an absolute stop to asylum and mass migration.” The “remigration” of people without valid residence permits, for example, should also be implemented.



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