National Constitution Day

National Constitution Day

2024-04-30 05:06:00

At the request of our Argentine Association of Constitutional Law, the National Congress with the sanction of law 25,863 provided this on December 4, 2003: “May 1 is declared as National Constitution Day, in commemoration of its sanction on 1 “May 1853 in the city of Santa Fe” (promulgated on January 8, 2004, BO # 30318 of January 15, 2004), a statement that is reiterated in the initial article of the aforementioned standard.

The remaining article that composes it is forceful in stating that “the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Nation, in conjunction with the educational authorities of the different jurisdictions and within the scope of the Federal Council of Culture and Education, will agree to the inclusion of days alluding to the national day instituted by the previous article in the respective school and academic calendars of the middle and higher levels. The objective of these Conferences will be to reflect on the meanings, importance and effectiveness of the normative postulates of our Constitution, particularly, the rights and guarantees of the inhabitants and the observance of democratic values.”

In fact, on that Day of May 1, 1853, in the city located on the banks of the Paraná River, the Conventional Constituents gathered there concluded the intense debate that they began on April 20 on the project that was presented for consideration by the plenary session of the conclave. by the Constitutional Business Commission, as decided at the beginning of its sessions on November 21, 1852.

By decree of the National Executive Branch of May 25, 1853, its official text was promulgated as such, arranging its oath throughout the national territory for July 9 of that same year, which was thus fulfilled, making it play, thereby , to the emblematic dates of our national past.
It is worth remembering that on such occasions the State of Buenos Aires was not involved, whose representatives did not participate in the meeting called following what was agreed upon by the governors of the provincial states in May 1852 in the Buenos Aires city of San Nicolás de los Arroyos.

For this reason, and from then on, Buenos Aires remained in a “state of secession” with respect to the Confederation, even passing its own Major Law in April 1854.

This situation – fortunately – concluded with the signing of the Pact of San José de Flores of November 1859, which led to the Constitutional Reform of September 1860, in which the Buenos Aires representatives participated, from which All Argentines remain under the protection of a single constitutional letter.

The reforms carried out in 1866, 1898, 1949, 1957 and – the most recent – in 1994 later fit into its text.
The process initially described and the vicissitudes that led to the final consecration of our National Constitution should only call you to comply with and respect it, the only possible way of life and democratic coexistence.
Let us thus honor his lyrics and the memory of those who made it possible.

*President of the Center for Constitutional Studies of Comahue.
Full member of the Neuquén Historical Studies Board.
Member of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Law.

#National #Constitution #Day

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