National Conference in La Angostura Addresses Punta Tombo Penguin Crisis: A Prosecutor’s Perspective

2024-09-18 03:15:00

Rosen’s attorney general, Florencia Gomez, who is pushing for a historic investigation into the Punta Tombo penguin massacre, will be one of the speakers at the conference. National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors It will start on Friday the 20th at Villa La Angostura.

Penguin Massacre | Why this was a historic trial with global consequences” loading=”lazy”/>

The moderator will be Maximiliano Breide Obeid, chief prosecutor for environmental crimes in the city of Neuquén. «Not all provinces have specialized prosecutors. One of the goals is Launching the Argentinian Environmental Prosecutor Network »with international participation.

In conversation rio negro newspapersExplaining, “Environmental issues were originally a federal matter, and under the Supreme Court’s ruling, it was made provincial.”

“Hazardous waste laws are terrible”

Chief Prosecutor Maximiliano Braid Obeid. (Archives/Matthias Subat)

“We have a tool, the hazardous waste law,” he said. this is bad: Protect health, not the environment, so it limits what we can do. Building a criminal case is complexthe adjustment variable ends up being the failure of public officials to perform their duties.

An example is the PCB transformer incident in Plottier: there was no progress in proving contamination to human health and the environment, and the only person charged was the official who allegedly submitted the fine for the city’s cooperative.

In the filing, prosecutor Brad Obeid disagreed strongly with the judge who intervened. He kept thinking the same thing. “Judges are not used to dealing with environmental issues; it drives them away. “They have to start learning, the last time they saw hazardous waste laws was in college.”

National conference details

The first meeting of the National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors will be hosted by Jorge Barraguirre, Attorney General of the Santa Fe Prosecutor’s Office, on Friday the 20th at 9:45.

The complete program can be downloaded as a pdf via this link.

Prosecutor Florencia Gomez will speak at 4:30 pm on the Punta Tombo case, the massacre of penguins that took place in the nature reserve from August to December 2021.

It is reported rio negro newspapersOn October 28, a historic trial that has attracted global attention will begin against the site’s administrator, Ricardo Adolfo La Regina, who is accused of clearing the path and slaughtering adult specimens and chicks, destroying 200 nests and causing environmental impacts that will take half a century to repair.

National Geographic Satellite Imagery

High-definition satellite imagery provided by National Geographic Channel confirms that one of the roads is open From November 26 to December 4, 2021 It consists of a backhoe weighing 83,000 kilograms, with wheels 2 meters high and a tread width of 32 centimeters. Destroyed nest and chick weighing 90 grams.

This section of road is 900 meters long and passes through the community. «The defendant was born and raised there, “I couldn’t ignore that it was being replicated across the board at the time.”the prosecutor said.

In some areas, up to 40 centimeters of topsoil was removed, “which means that nest cavities were removed there.” completely destroyed and its contents.

The prosecutor continued: “In the cleared area, all the removed soil and vegetation were accumulated on an embankment about 30 meters long and about 3 meters high. The equivalent of 30 truckloads of dirt.”.

Electrification wiring

Additionally, Larijana is accused of installing a six-wire fence on an electrified cattle shed at a height that prevented penguins from passing through. When the birds returned from the sea to find their nests, they hit an obstacle and were unable to feed their young..

About 200 nests were destroyed, and the number of dead specimens is difficult to determine because they were buried under tons of soil. It is estimated that Three penguins need to be counted for each nest.

Estimating losses in money Over $518,000.

#Punta #Tombo #Penguin #Massacre #Prosecutor #case #attends #national #conference #Angostura

– What were the key‌ findings of the historic investigation into the Punta Tombo penguin massacre? ⁤

Punta‌ Tombo Penguin Massacre: Historic Investigation and ⁢Conference ⁢of Environmental Prosecutors

The Punta Tombo penguin massacre, a shocking environmental ⁢tragedy that has drawn global attention, ​is set to take ⁣center stage at the National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors in Villa‌ La Angostura, Argentina. The conference, scheduled to start on Friday, the 20th, will feature keynote speaker Florencia Gomez, ⁢the attorney ⁤general pushing for a historic investigation into the massacre.

The⁣ Punta Tombo penguin ⁢massacre, which occurred between August and December‍ 2021, resulted in the brutal killing of adult penguins and‍ chicks, as⁤ well ⁤as the destruction of 200 nests. The environmental impact of this tragedy is staggering, with experts estimating that it will take half a century to repair. The accused, Ricardo Adolfo La Regina, administrator of ⁣the nature reserve, faces charges of clearing the path and ‍slaughtering ⁢the penguins.

National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors

The National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors aims ⁣to bring ​together prosecutors from across Argentina to discuss and address the complex issues surrounding environmental crimes. The conference will be moderated by Maximiliano‍ Breide Obe

To address environmental issues comprehensively.

Historic Investigation into Punta Tombo Penguin Massacre: A Call to Action for Environmental Prosecutors

The stage is set for a historic gathering of environmental prosecutors in Villa La Angostura, Argentina, as the National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors commences on Friday, 20th. At the forefront of this conference is Florencia Gomez, the attorney general pushing for a thorough investigation into the Punta Tombo penguin massacre. Gomez will be one of the esteemed speakers at the event, which aims to launch the Argentine Environmental Prosecutor Network with international participation.

The Punta Tombo Tragedy: A Wake-Up Call for Environmental Action

The Punta Tombo penguin massacre is a dark stain on Argentina’s environmental record. The senseless killing of these majestic creatures has sparked outrage and despair among conservationists and animal lovers worldwide. The investigation into this heinous crime is of paramount importance, as it sets a precedent for environmental crimes in the region.

National Conference Details

The National Conference of Environmental Prosecutors will bring together experts and stakeholders from across the country to discuss the pressing issue of environmental crimes. The event will be moderated by Maximiliano Breide Obeid, chief prosecutor for environmental crimes in Neuquén. Obeid emphasized the need for specialized prosecutors, highlighting the complexities of environmental cases. “Not all provinces have specialized prosecutors. One of the goals is to launch the Argentine Environmental Prosecutor Network with international participation,” he explained.

Hazardous Waste Laws: A Hindrance to Environmental Justice

Chief Prosecutor Obeid expressed frustration with the existing hazardous waste laws in Argentina, stating, “Hazardous waste laws are terrible. They prioritize health over environmental protection, limiting what we can do.” He emphasized the challenges of building a criminal case, citing the failure



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