Until then unknown to the general public, by the “baraka” of President Alpha Condé, Abdoul Sakho was propelled to the front of the stage by the magic trick.
Now aware of his popularity at the head of the Forum of Social Forces, he does not pride himself on anything. Read instead…
Untimely opportunism, unpopular populism, amateurism and lack of vision in the spirit of deception are harming the cultural diversity of our dear and beautiful country, by creating controversy around the Nimba mask, which is nevertheless adopted and accepted for decades by Guineans in their diversity.
A good message carried by the wrong person at the wrong time with the wrong strategy in bad faith will always remain inaudible to the people.
Each generation or each group of men must be able in all conscience to define its mission, its skills and its limits in order to acquire the necessary means according to the established rules, otherwise its transition to business will only be catastrophic for the society and any individual or clan profit drawn from it will only be ephemeral and over time will darken the future and the future of the holders.
With the choice of democracy as the option of governance, a transition, moreover, resulting from a coup d’etat, without real consensus, can in principle only allow, through reforms, the people to freely choose women and men who must speak and act in his name in the management of public affairs.
I regret these sterile controversies around “our NIMBA”, but I am aware of this and convinced that our Baga brothers will understand that it is the bad moment and the bad communication that are decried and not the mask in question, being that it has been adopted and accepted for decades by the people of Guinea as indicated above.
Abdul Sacko
COJELPAID National Coordinator
In another statement, the citizens’ movement he leads has not been kind to the junta leader. Read…
The Forum des Forces Sociales de Guinée (FFSG), which brings together umbrella organizations from civil society, trade unions, youth and women’s organizations, human rights organizations, citizen dynamics and movements, notes with dismay , that despite its alerts in 2022 to financial and banking institutions, as well as to bi- and multilateral partners, of situations that are developing on a daily basis, the consequences of which are very detrimental to the future and the future of Guinea.
These include, among others:
Breaches of duly established contracts between the State and private/multinational companies, without any form of transparency and procedural responsibility in accordance with the laws of the Republic and the conventions to which Guinea is a party. “These acts, which appear to be for the sole purpose of illicit enrichment and political agendas, expose the country to arbitration summons before courts and tribunals at the National, Sub-Regional and International levels, with extremely serious consequences for generations. future”;
New contracts or agreements that are established beyond the jurisdiction of a coup government without a legitimate mandate from the people. “These acts also expose the companies/multinationals benefiting from this type of contract and their accomplices to subpoenas before the courts and tribunals by the Guinean State, of course, on the back of the Guinean taxpayer”;
Debt agreements, which become the specialty of the CNT without any form of real responsibility in terms of parliamentary control of the management of public resources. “We must remember, for the umpteenth time, that such agreements, apart from the bare minimum for a return to constitutional order, will be null and void following the transition, because they will not commit the people of Guinea in any way”.
Unfortunately, the CNRD has already shown, in its perception of the continuity of the State, that the decrees and partnership agreements or any administrative act, even emanating from elected authorities, whatever their scope for the interest superior of the nation, have no legal and administrative value other than that of the interests and will of the successor.
In addition, we must regret another generation of growing concerns, which gives food for thought and challenges the collective conscience of Guineans and friends of Guinea, namely, among others:
The seizures of huge quantities of drugs in other countries, announced from Guinea, which raise legitimate questions regarding possible complicity within the State apparatus in addition to the bad image that this sends back to the country and Guineans around the world in their travels, as well as all the security risks to which this exposes the country;
The recurrence of judicial harassment with arbitrary arrests and detentions, as well as violations of freedoms as a mode of governance of the transition;
The growing poverty among the populations, with an opulent life of the leaders of the transition, this, without any real desire to seek a constructive consensus for a rapid return to constitutional order;
Huge suspicions of prevarication of public resources and rotting of the civil service file with the culture of mediocrity at all levels of the State apparatus.
In view of this unjust and unjustified situation, the Forum of Social Forces of Guinea (FFSG) calls on the political, socio-economic and diplomatic allies of the transition, as well as the civilian leaders of the organs of the transition in the face of their responsibility, because never once more The pre-planned excuses, which consist in referring the faults committed to the lack of listening and the brutal method of the Men in fatigues, will not be admissible in the court of history.
Conakry, 04/01/2023
La Coordination