National action day Giro555 starts, much smaller than previous years – NOS

ANPThe action day in the Sound & Vision building in Hilversum

NOS News•today, 05:55•Changed today, 06:43

Giro555’s national day of action for victims in the Middle East has started. The kick-off took place at 5.55 am in the Beeld & Geluid museum in Hilversum. The counter then stood at almost 4.4 million euros. Due to the sensitivities surrounding the subject, the action day is set up differently than previous action days of the collaborating aid organizations.

The money raised goes to victims in Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank and Syria. But there is criticism: some do not want the money to go to Israel, while others are afraid that their money will end up with Hamas or Hezbollah.

The starting amount was announced early this morning at the push of a button:

Giro555 starts for victims in the Middle East

While many previous campaigns concluded with a full evening TV program, this time it was decided to switch to Sound & Vision a few times in the evening for updates. These can be seen on NPO 1, RTL 4 and SBS6.

“Wednesday will indeed not be a full evening program, and that is very appropriate,” Arjan Lock, chairman of the board of broadcasters, said earlier. “It is a subject that requires care.”

There are fewer famous Dutch people on the calling panel than in previous actions and no artists are performing.

No 538 or Qmusic

Several commercial radio stations, unlike before, are not participating in the day of action. DPG Media radio stations (Qmusic and JOE) largely ignore the action. A DPG spokesperson stated in the AD that the subject would be “too polarizing”. Talpa radio stations (including Radio 538) are also not participating.

Action chairman Harm Goossens of Giro555 regrets that there is so much to do about the action. “It is good that there is a discussion, but the discussion is now too little about people who need help,” Goossens said earlier.

Distribution key

A distribution key is created for the proceeds. Goossens says that most of the money goes to Lebanon and Gaza. But money also goes, for example, to help Israelis traumatized by Hamas’ terrorist action on October 7.

The last national day of action was last year. Then money was raised for the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. That campaign raised more than 128 million euros.

Giro555’s Action Day: A Delicate Balance of Care and Controversy

The action day organized by Giro555 for the victims in the Middle East has kicked off, and let me tell you, it’s not your usual charity gig. Early birds hit the snooze button at 5.55 AM—the sort of hour usually reserved for existential crises and disgruntled sheep. With an impressive starting amount of almost 4.4 million euros and a fragile subject matter, the tone this time is more sober than a banker on a Monday morning. And, rightly so!

A Different Tune

Now, if you’re picturing a telethon with a parade of Dutch celebrities belting out ballads while we toss in our loose change, think again. The action day is taking on a more understated structure, as Arjan Lock, the broadcasting board’s head honcho, put it, “a subject that requires care.” Quite refreshing, really, as previous “full evening programs” felt a bit like watching a three-hour soap opera, just with more tears and fewer plot twists.

But here’s the kicker: there’s a flap about where this money is going—people protesting like it’s Black Friday sales at a shopping mall. Some folks are okay with helping victims in Lebanon and Gaza. Others? Not so much if it means their euros slip into the hands of Hamas or Hezbollah. And Israel? Let’s just say opinions are flying faster than a stray dog at a butcher’s!

Where’s the Party?

In what can only be described as a “we’re not touching that with a ten-foot pole” move, popular radio stations like Qmusic and Radio 538 have opted out of this shindig. It’s like throwing a barbecue and telling half your friends they can’t come—major buzzkill! A spokesman from DPG Media claimed the subject was “too polarizing.” Polarizing? The last time I checked, popcorn was polarizing too, but they still show the films!

Harm Goossens Catches the Wind

Action Chairman Harm Goossens is feeling a bit like a misunderstood artist, regretting the uproar rather than focusing on those who genuinely need help. “Yes, let’s keep the discussion alive!” he might’ve said, “but can we please chat about the needy instead of living in a geopolitical soap opera?”

Distribution Key: The Financial Jigsaw Puzzle

Now let’s talk about the ever-important distribution key. Smart, eh? It’s like a humanitarian Monopoly game! The funds are poised to assist victims in Lebanon and Gaza, as well as helping those poor souls traumatized by Hamas’ antics on October 7. Talk about a balancing act that would make a circus performer jealous.

The Past and the Future

For a bit of context, the last time the nation rallied for a good cause, it was to support victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, raising a staggering 128 million euros! If it weren’t for the dire circumstances, I’d call it a royal jam session of human compassion. But alas, every tune has its ups and downs.

As we watch the counter tick up and debates rage on social media, one thing is clear: this action day is about more than just numbers. It’s about navigating a tightrope of sensitivity and necessity in a landscape fraught with tension. It’s care with a capital ‘C’ and a sprinkling of ‘ouch!’—let’s hope the spirit of empathy survives the storm!

Final Thoughts

In these trying times, one can only hope that the money raised truly finds its way to those in need, rather than contributing to a game of political tug-of-war. Here’s to hoping the essence of charity outshines the controversies—after all, in the grand symphony of humanity, let’s at least try not to hit a sour note!



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