Nataniel Sánchez reveals that he does not have a stable job in Spain: “I have to knock on doors” | At the bottom there is room | America TV | Peruvian TV | Videos | show business

Nataniel Sánchez seeks to grow professionally in Spain. Photo: composition LR/YouTube/Instagram/Nataniel Sánchez

Nathaniel Sanchez He gave an exclusive interview for “Estás en todas”, in which he talked about his new life in Spain, as well as the plans he has in mind to continue growing artistically. The well-remembered actress from “Al fondo hay sitio” caused astonishment by pointing out that, since she moved to Europe, she has not been able to get a job in any long-term production or acting project, but that she does everything possible not to stop working in what you are passionate about.

What does Nataniel Sánchez do?

Nathaniel Sanchez He spoke, for the first time, about his current situation in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain. The Peruvian interpreter said that she misses the rhythm of life that she had when she made big productions, but she understands that she is part of the process of starting a new path.

“For example, I’m filming and I’m like a fish in water again, even if it’s a small scene or even if it’s a short theater season (…). Of course, I would love to be more because here I am starting from scratch. The rhythms are different and the job arrangement is different, ”she explained at the beginning.

On the other hand, he explained that it has been difficult to constantly have to search for castings to be part of an artistic project. “It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either (…). Since I don’t have job stability here —because I’m knocking on doors—, So, what I’m doing now is knocking on doors, many. Build my path so that, when the opportunity comes, I will be prepared”, added the interpreter who gave life to Fernanda de la Casas.

Will Nataniel Sánchez return to “Al fondo hay sitio”?

In another part of the interview, Natalia Sanchez She was surprised to say that she was summoned by the producers for the return of “Al fondo hay sitio”, but she rejected the offer, preferring to continue focusing on the personal projects she plans to carry out abroad. Returning to Peru was a sacrifice for her career, she said.

“I had a conversation with the channel just when the series was launched because some characters were called for this return. At that time, I said no. Right now, I have projects in mind, open things that I am developing; So, it does make it difficult to go to Peru to shoot the series.”, he stated.

Nataniel Sánchez commented on the “romance” between Joel and Macarena on “AFHS”

In the same interview with “Estás en todas”, the actress referred to the new romances in “Al fondo hay sitio”, including Joel’s with Macarena, whose characters are played by Erick Elera and Maria Grazia Gamarra.

“I think it’s wonderful that Joel’s character falls in love, that he returns with a wonderful couple with Maria Grazia. I’m happy that the series generates new stories and that people get hooked on new characters, want and adopt a new character,” he said for the América TV program.

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How old is Nataniel Sanchez?

Nathaniel Sanchezremembered for her role in “Al fondo hay sitio”, came into the world on the 15th of the year 1991. Given this information, it is known that she is currently 31 years old and will turn 32 in the coming months. ex-partner and friend Erick Elera, who in 2023 turned 39 years old.

Nataniel Sanchez is 31 years old. Photo: Nataniel Sánchez/Facebook

Fans ask Nataniel Sánchez to return to “AFHS”

In a publication of the actress wishing Merry Christmas, many of her followers took the opportunity to ask her to please return to Peru and take the role of “Fernanda” again in “Al fondo hay sitio”.

“Beautiful, return to ‘AFHS'”, “Return to ‘Al fondo hay sitio'”, “Return with Joel Gonzales”, were some of the comments for the Peruvian who currently resides in Europe.

 Nataniel Sánchez recibió mensajes de sus seguidores. Foto: Nataniel Sánchez/Instagram

    ” title=”  Nataniel Sánchez received messages from his followers.  Photo: Nataniel Sánchez/Instagram

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Nataniel Sánchez received messages from his followers. Photo: Nataniel Sánchez/Instagram

What did Nataniel Sánchez say in the face of the constant requests for Fernanda to return to “AFHS”?

In one of her Instagram stories, Nataniel Sánchez addressed her fans and thanked the support of her fans who follow her from “Al fondo hay sitio”. “I stop for a moment before going to sleep to thank all the people who are writing to me telling me that they miss me at the premiere of ‘Al fondo hay sitio’ and that they would like me to come back. Really, infinite thanks for having me in your hearts“, he expressed.

  Will Nataniel Sánchez return to

Will Nataniel Sánchez return to “Al fondo hay sitio”? Photo: composition LR/ América TV

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