Natalia Ponce revealed signs about the man who attacked her

The story of Natalia Ponce de León has marked a before and after in the fight against gender violence in Colombia. Her name became synonymous with resilience and justice after surviving a brutal acid attack that left her with physical and emotional scars for life. In a recent episode of the podcast “Men do cry,” Natalia opened her heart and recounted how she met Jhonatan Vega, the man who would tragically change her destiny. With previously unknown details, Ponce de León relives those moments before the attack, revealing the warnings she received about her attacker’s dark past, but which she ignored.

This is a cruel testimony of unheeded warnings, dangerous obsessions and a woman who, after facing horror, decided to transform her pain into a cause to protect other women. Natalia Ponce de León, a young woman who enjoyed life, came face to face with a man who had a “story of madness” and how his fight continues to inspire change and transformation in thousands of women.

Natalia Ponce revealed signs about the man who attacked her

In 2014, the life of Natalia Ponce de León, a 24-year-old from Bogotá, changed forever when she was attacked with acid by Jhonatan Vega, a man who had been obsessed with her for years. This act of extreme violence not only left Natalia with deep wounds on her body, but also turned her into a national symbol against gender violence. In a recent interview, Natalia detailed how she met Vega when she was 18, during a time when she enjoyed partying and youthful rebellion. Despite the warnings of her then-boyfriend, who alerted her about the danger Vega represented due to his dark past full of drugs and violence, Natalia could not foresee the horror that was to come.

The situation worsened over time, as Vega began to harass her constantly, following her even while she was studying in London. Upon her return to Colombia, Natalia faced the unthinkable: Vega, after stalking her in her own building, threw a liter of acid in her face, marking the beginning of a long battle for recovery and justice. This case, which shocked the entire country, led to the creation of tougher laws against acid attacks and remains a painful reminder of the dangers women face in harassment situations.

Here are some of the ‘Red Flags’ that Natalia Ponce let slip about her attacker, Jhonatan Vega:

  1. Warnings from her boyfriend: Her partner at the time warned her that Jhonatan was a troubled man, with a dark past involving drugs and women.
  2. Obsessive behavior: From the first moment, Jhonatan showed an obsession towards Natalia, which was a clear sign of danger.
  3. Insistent approaches: Even though Natalia tried to get away from Jhonatan, he continued to chase her and monitor her movements.
  4. Approaches at parties: Jhonatan approached her at a party, asking for marijuana, even though they were not close.
  5. His problematic history: Natalia knew that Jhonatan had a past with drug problems and dark behavior, but she did not give it the necessary importance.
  6. Persistent harassment: Jhonatan harassed her for years, even when she was abroad, demonstrating dangerous behavior.
  7. Fabrication of a non-existent romance: Jhonatan invented a romance with Natalia, although they never had a relationship, which indicated his unstable mental state.
  8. Lack of information about his life: Natalia did not inquire further into Jhonatan’s past, which prevented her from knowing his true danger.
  9. Rejection of warnings: Although she received warnings, Natalia did not take them seriously at the time, underestimating the threat that Jhonatan represented.
  10. Signs of mental problems: After the attack, Natalia realized that Jhonatan had untreated mental problems, which contributed to his dangerous behavior.

What should we learn from the Natalia Ponce case?

Natalia Ponce de León’s story has had a significant positive impact, making her an icon in the fight against gender-based violence. Her courage in speaking openly about her experience has led to greater public awareness about the dangers of harassment and the importance of taking warnings seriously. In addition, her case prompted the creation of a law that toughens penalties for acid attackers, a crucial step forward in the protection of women in Colombia.

Through her activism, Natalia has helped prevent future attacks and offered emotional support to other survivors of violence focusing on the following areas:

  • Raising public awareness of gender-based violence.
  • Creation of a law in his name to toughen penalties.
  • Emotional support and prevention for other women.
  • Inspiration for resilience and self-improvement.
  • Promoting justice and social change.

Authorities also ignore many ‘Red Flags’ in these types of cases

Natalia Ponce de León’s case also highlights the negative aspects and failures of the system in protecting victims of bullying and violence. Despite warnings, the severity of the situation was underestimated, resulting in a devastating attack that could have been prevented. In addition, Jhonatan Vega’s story highlights the lack of attention to mental health issues and the impact of neglect and violence in childhood, which can trigger dangerous behaviour. These factors confirm the urgent need for better protection for victims and early intervention in cases of bullying.

Knowing Natalia Ponce de León’s story is essential to understanding the seriousness of gender-based violence in Colombia and how it can affect anyone. Her case reminds us of the importance of paying attention to the warning signs and taking harassment and threats seriously. Through her activism, Natalia has shown that it is possible to transform pain into a force for change, and her story remains relevant today.

*This content was refined with the help of Artificial Intelligence, based on information collected and initially written by our journalistic team. Its publication and curation were reviewed by a human journalist and editor.

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Sources from “Natalia Ponce revealed signs about the man who attacked her”

2024-08-29 23:33:23
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