Natalia Dorosh’s blog – passing through spring

All photographs of the exposition were taken while driving along the road from Grodno to Mosty. During the year, she recorded winter, spring, summer and autumn landscapes with a camera, which she observed from the car window. Sometimes I turned off the main road and drove into the villages of Cherlena, Knyazhevodtsy, Dubno, stopped for a few minutes in especially picturesque places, admired the spring flood of the Neman in the Bridges themselves.

How beautiful is the nature of our Grodno region! Especially in the spring season, when the revival of the earth and its flowering begins.

One day in March, I noticed a small flock of storks landed on the road. Large birds made a long-distance flight in order to be the first to return to their native places. So are people, they always strive to return to their small homeland, missing her in a foreign land.

From the exhibition shots, I chose photos with a spring mood for publication.

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