He was relieved for a moment. “Nat Thephasadin” revealed the results of the hospital’s confirmation that no covid-19 was found following attending the event with “Mick Thongraya” who was previously infected. but would like to detain for a period of time to be sure
is another person who falls into the risk group of contracting COVID-19 for a young actor “Nat Thephasadin Na Ayutthaya” After filming a drama with a young hero “Mick Thongraya” who had been infected with COVID-19 before, following hearing the news of the infection of the young Mick, “Nat Thephasdin” immediately separated from his wife and daughter And did the ATK test twice, the result was negative. And the person was quarantined for 3 days before going for a repeat PT-PCR test at the hospital once more.
“Mick Thongraya” has contracted COVID-19 and is now awaiting treatment (with a clip)
and the latest today (10 Jan 2022) “Nat Thephasdin” was examined at the hospital and received the results that “No infection found” In which this work, one father and son revealed through the caption that “Well, I survived. I was relieved a bit. But still have to quarantine until complete and check ATK every day to be sure”
which following Num Nut had already informed the aforementioned good news There are friends, entertainers and fans. Come in, like and comment, congratulations Sanan.
Thanks Instagram : nut_devahastin
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