Nastimir Ananiev: PP-DB should not focus on the name of the Prime Minister – Facts

A Comedy of Errors: The Bulgarian Election Circus

Well, well, well! Less than two weeks to go before Bulgaria heads to the polls again for some good old-fashioned democratic fun! And by fun, I mean an electoral anxiety attack bolstered by a side of existential dread! Aren’t elections just like a bad Tinder date? Swipe right on potentially disastrous choices and left on political stability!

Politics as Usual

“It is important how many subjects there will be in the National Assembly, in my opinion 8, I hear requests for a ninth.” Ah, the classic number game! Isn’t that just delightful? It’s like playing Monopoly, but instead of hotels and properties, we’re talking about the very real stakes of running a country. Eight? Nine? Oh, let’s throw in a few ministers for good measure – because who doesn’t like a good squabble over political chairs?

The chairman of VOLT, Nastimir Ananiev, seems to think that reaching 121 subjects is the key to political success. That’s 121! Even my grandma can’t keep track of that many spices in her kitchen, let alone political portfolios! Finding the right number of subjects is like finding the right amount of cheese on a pizza—crucial for satisfaction (and utterly delicious in metaphor). But really, who needs a coherent cabinet when you’ve got a “responsible GERB with a responsible Borisov”? What does that even mean? Wait, don’t answer that; it’s an existential question!

Minority Governments and Major Problems

Ananiev gingerly mentions:“One of the hypotheses is that there will be a minority government.” A minority government? Oh, come on! That’s like ordering a salad at a steakhouse! You might feel good about your health choices, but deep down, you know that’s just not what the place is known for! And when asked about vote confidence, he simply states, “The question is not who is the face of the future cabinet, but what majority is behind it.” Please tell me he didn’t just set fire to a philosophical debate!

The Voter Turnout Dilemma

And now onto the crux of the issue! Ananiev has placed a hefty “heaviest red card” on the table over low voter turnout. Talk about throwing shade! Voter participation can look like your gym membership. You sign up, get excited, but when the time comes to actually show up—poof! You vanish like socks in the dryer!

It’s true, though! “Everyone has someone to vote for as long as they want,” he insists. But let’s be real, come election day, voting sometimes feels less about who you like and more about who you dislike the least. It’s a political game of dodgeball, and we’re all just trying to avoid getting hit by the ball of despair!

Campaign Strategies: A Comedy of Concentration

In closing, Ananiev had a few choice words for political parties: they need to stop focusing solely on their “hard cores” during the campaign. Hard cores? Sounds rather scandalous, doesn’t it? But really, he’s urging them to branch out, engage with the voters instead of shouting into the echo chamber of their own making. Maybe then they would realize that voters are looking for more than just the shiniest candidate, but someone who can actually put the nation back on track. Or at least make it a smoother ride!

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So here’s to the elections! May your candidates be competent, your policies coherent, and your voting decisions a little less like choosing the lesser evil!

Less than two weeks remain until the next early parliamentary elections.

“It is important how many subjects there will be in the National Assembly, in my opinion 8, I hear requests for a ninth. After all, the number 121 must be reached at least in order to have a cabinet. This usually passes through a test for electing the Chairman of the National Assembly. Government of the minority must also pass a vote in the National Assembly. One of the hypotheses is that there will be a minority government. Of the first 2-3 parties that the sociologists indicate, they do not say that there will be there is a government”commented the chairman of the paria VOLT Nastimir Ananiev in the studio of “Day ON AIR”.
He emphasized that it is important what this regular government will be and with what program. According to him, when the results of the elections are seen, there is no problem for a party to be a constructive opposition. His expectations are that if the predictions of sociologists come true and GERB is the first political force, there will be a “responsible GERB with a responsible Borisov”.

“Today I heard that he said that he was forbidden from Europe to work with “Vazrazhdane”. In practice, however, those close to Borisov pump up “Vazrazhdane”, Borisov is trying to make “Vazrazhdane” a second force, so that PP-DB does not have the opportunity to get a mandate,” shared the former MP.

Regular government is important to society and business
The responsibility of the former is to make a regular cabinet, Ananiev is categorical.

“The issue is when you usually remove ministers who are ousted with protests and people don’t want to see and hear them, this is a pro forma for making a cabinet. Bulgaria needs responsible politicians. Until now there was a lack of leadership,” said Nastimir Ananiev.

Through Bulgaria ON AIR, he urged PP-DB not to focus on the name of the Prime Minister. According to him, the question is not who is the face of the future regular cabinet, but what majority is behind it, who are the ministers.

Everyone has someone to vote for as long as they want

Ananiev defined the increasingly low voter turnout as “the heaviest red card since the beginning of the transition”.
There is always a choice for whom to vote for – and the preference gives you a choice if you don’t like the leader, the leader, but preferentially the person – because of his qualities, you can vote for him,” the guest was emphatic.

The former member of parliament criticized the parties for concentrating on their hard cores during the campaign.

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