NasDem Still Waiting for PDIP to Apply for the Right to Inquiry – 2024-04-09 03:46:35

Member of the DPR RI from the NasDem Fraction Irma Suryani Chaniago (MI/Susanto)

Member of the DPR RI from the NasDem faction, Irma Suryani Chaniago, said that her party was still waiting for the PDI Perjuangan to submit an inquiry into fraud in the 2024 election.

The discourse on the right to inquiry did not materialize until the DPR closed Session Period IV 2023-2024, Thursday (4/4). Thus, all members of the DPR will again undergo a recess period.

“Today, we have entered a recess period. Apart from that, we will also celebrate Eid al-Fitr and have a long holiday and then return on May 13. It seems impossible to implement it, except maybe later after the recess PDIP submits a proposal,” said Irma in an official statement, Friday (5/4).

Irma said that with quite a bit of time remaining until the inauguration of the elected president in October 2024, it is quite difficult to realize the right to inquiry.

“But if you calculate the effective time which is only 4 months, I don’t think it will run optimally,” he said.

The discourse on using the DPR’s right to inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 presidential election was first put forward by the presidential candidate promoted by the PDI-P, Ganjar Pranowo. This idea received a response and support from the public and several political party elites.

Without the support of the party that won the 2019 election, their steps stopped at the administrative preparation stage. This is because it is predicted that the application for the right to inquiry will be rejected if it is not supported by the party with the most votes in parliament. (Z-1)

#NasDem #Waiting #PDIP #Apply #Inquiry

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