NasDem Raises Donations for Palestine

Palestinian Prime Minister (PM) 2019- March 2024 Muhammad Shtayyeh (center) attended a symposium entitled “All Eyes on Palestine” held by the NasDem Party (Antara)

The NasDem Party held a symposium entitled “All Eyes on Palestine” in Jakarta, Saturday, and raised donations for the Palestinian people.

According to a written statement from the NasDem Party, the event held one day before the 3rd NasDem Party Congress was also attended by the Prime Minister (PM) of Palestine 2019-March 2024 Muhammad Shtayyeh, Chairman of the NasDem DPP for International Relations Martin Manurung, and member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muhammad Farhan.

Martin Manurung said that one of the major themes of the party congress, apart from issues about women and Pancasila, was also about humanity in Palestine.

“So, the congress will open a donation that we said humanity for Palestine” said Martin.

He said that all congress participants would donate to Palestine.

“And later we will arrange with Mr. Shtayyeh where it will be handed over. That this is solidarity from the NasDem Party for the humanitarian struggle in Palestine,” said Martin.

The written statement does not mention the target funds to be collected.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Shtayyeh was moved by the struggle of Indonesia and the NasDem Party in defending Palestinian independence.

“It is truly an honor for me to be a guest of this party, and I am very pleased with the spirit of solidarity and the speeches that my friends, Martin and others have delivered,” said Muhammad Shtayyeh.

Shtayyeh is proud that Palestine lives in the hearts of every Indonesian. The support of the Indonesian people, he said, is not something foreign. It is something that has been part of history since the beginning of Indonesia’s independence.

Furthermore, Muhammad Shtayyeh said he would convey a message from Indonesia to the Palestinian people who are currently under pressure from Israel.

“We are not alone, we do not stand alone. There are people who stand with us. And I think the NasDem party with its leadership not only shows a message of solidarity but also a message of brotherhood, a message of struggle for peace and justice,” he said. (Z-8)

#NasDem #Raises #Donations #Palestine



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