NASA’s Revolutionary X-59: Commercial Flight at Four Times the Speed of Sound

2023-08-25 11:53:00

NASA to write new history in space travel. NASA has announced that it will develop commercial aircraft that can travel at four times the speed of sound. If NASA’s announcement comes true, it will take just one and a half hours to reach London from New York. In a press release shared on the website, NASA stated that these supersonic planes will be five times faster than the current planes. Currently, the flight time from New York to London ranges from 6 hours to 7 hours 20 minutes.

NASA named the plane X-59. NASA also stated that the only sound that will be heard is the sound of the car door closing when the plane passes by. Laurie Osorowski, NASA’s commercial supersonic technology project manager, said that NASA had started research on this ten years ago and that the new aircraft will be designed in the light of the research conducted all this time.

NASA explores possibility of commercial flight at 4 times the speed of sound

#York #London #hour #NASA #launch #super #flight

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