NASA’s Lucy Probe Discovers Surprising Satellite Moon Next to Jupiter’s Asteroid: New Revelations in Outer Space Exploration

2023-11-06 23:43:31

The universe is vast and endless, and new discoveries are being made all the time. NASA’s asteroid probe Lucy recently discovered a smaller moon next to an asteroid near Jupiter, which surprised scientists. The asteroid probe Lucy, launched in 2021, took a series of photos of the Dinkinesh asteroid, with an asteroid orbiting next to it like a satellite. Planetary scientist Jessica Sunshine said that although there is a possibility of a binary star system (planets orbiting each other), the discovery was still unexpected. (Source: NASA) Hal Levinson, the chief researcher in charge of the Lucy mission, said that this discovery was quite successful. Only one-third of Dinky’s data has been transmitted, and further discoveries may be made later. The mission is just for practice. The ultimate goal of Lucy is to capture high-speed moving space rocks and conduct in-depth study of the Trojan belt asteroids near Jupiter. (This article is reprinted with permission from Unwire HK; first image source: NASA) Further reading:
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