NASA’s Hubble Telescope Captures Huge Space ‘Caterpillar’

2023-04-21 18:43:19


The image is amazing.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope surprises us once more with an incredible image captured from outer space: a space caterpillar that is one light-year long. I mean, it’s huge.

It is a stellar cluster known as IRAS 20324+4057 that will soon become a star, although for now it is in the first stage. In simple words, it is a huge ball of gas and dust that, curiously, resembles a caterpillar, hence its nickname.

The image was shared by NASA on the telescope’s Instagram and in it you can see the different bright colors it has.

As the publication explains, this elongated shape is the product of ultraviolet radiation from bright stars. Also, because it is in the process of becoming a star, which can take millions of years, it is often compared to a caterpillar that will soon be a butterfly.

These types of images help scientists and people to understand how stars are formed and understand all the evolutionary processes they have. Although, in the same way, it serves to enjoy the beauties of the universe.

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