NASA unveils incredible video of the Sun

This is a fascinating video of soleil what offers us at NASA. Filmed over 133 days using the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite, this solar activity was summarized in 59 minutes for our greatest happiness. NASA and this satellite reveal to us unpublished images of the Soleil and this, in ultra high definition (4K).

Launched in February 2010, the Solar Dynamics Observatory captured these images between August 12 and December 22, 2022. To provide us with these images, the satellite uses three instruments: a helioseismic and magnetic imager, a tool specialized in extreme ultraviolet as well as than a set of atmospheric imagery. And if it looks like the satellite is within reach of the Soleil, This is however not the case. In orbit around the Earth, the latter is at 35,786 kilometers above sea level!

Thanks to all these instruments, the Solar Dynamics Observatory was able to capture the sun every 0.75 seconds. In this video, we discover a succession of photos that reveal the corona, this outermost atmospheric layer of the Sun. Taken at 108 second intervals, these images are the result of four months of solar activity. This satellite has been allowing space enthusiasts to learn more for 13 years.

According to our colleagues from Numerama, at NASA clarified that the information provided using this satellite “has enabled countless discoveries about the functioning of our nearest star and its influence on the solar system”.

We let you admire this video of the Sun by NASA above: what a magnificent spectacle!

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