NASA rocket to be used on first manned mission to the Moon leaves factory

The first stage of NASA’s powerful Space Launch System (SLS) rocket for its Artemis II lunar mission has been transported from a factory in New Orleans to central Florida.

The 65-meter-high stage, manufactured by Boeing, departed the Michoud facility, NASA’s assembly center in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Tuesday. It began a journey of almost 1,500 kilometers to its final destination, the Kennedy Space Center.

At the Kennedy Space Center, this stage will be assembled with the rest of the rocket and the Orion capsule. Four crew members will travel inside the capsule on the Artemis II mission. This ten-day mission is scheduled to launch in September 2025. It will orbit the Moon but will not land.

The launch of the SLS rocket stage coincided with the 55th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11, which took place on July 16, 1969.

“With Artemis, we set our sights on doing something big and incredibly complex that will inspire a new generation and advance our scientific endeavors,” said Catherine Koerner, associate administrator for NASA’s Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate.

Before the launch, the SLS rocket will undergo additional equipment installation at the Kennedy Space Center, including a pair of twin booster rockets. The Orion spacecraft is already in Florida.

The SLS is the largest rocket ever built by NASA. It features four powerful RS-25 engines and two massive tanks that together hold more than 733,000 gallons of super-cold liquid propellant.

During launch, the SLS will operate for no more than 8 minutes. During this time, it will propel the Orion spacecraft out of Earth’s atmosphere and into orbit toward the Moon.

NASA’s Artemis program marks a new chapter in space exploration. It aims to lay the groundwork for a permanent human presence on the Moon.

Artemis I, an unmanned test flight of the Orion vehicle, successfully completed a round-trip flight in 2022. Following Artemis II in 2025, NASA plans to send Artemis III, the first mission to reach the lunar surface in more than 50 years, in September 2026.

The Power of the

Element: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of web development, HTML elements serve as the building blocks that create the structure and content of web pages. Among these elements, the `

` element stands out as a versatile and essential tool for organizing and styling web content. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of the `

` element, covering its uses, benefits, and best practices for maximizing its potential.

What is a


In essence, the `

` element is a generic container for grouping and styling other HTML elements. It acts as a logical division within the HTML document, allowing you to group related content together and apply styles to the entire group. Despite its simplicity, the `

` element plays a crucial role in creating well-structured and visually appealing web pages.

Key Characteristics of the


  • **Universality:** The `
    ` element is a universal container. It can hold any other HTML element, including text, images, links, forms, and even other `

    ` elements.
  • **Logical Grouping:** `
    ` elements are primarily used to organize content logically. For example, you might use a `

    ` to group all elements related to a specific section of your website, like a product description or a blog post.
  • **Styling Flexibility:** The `
    ` element is highly customizable through CSS. You can apply styles like background colors, fonts, borders, and padding to `

    ` elements to control their appearance and presentation.
  • **Accessibility:** Proper use of `
    ` elements can enhance the accessibility of your website. For example, using `

    ` elements with ARIA attributes can provide screen reader users with a better understanding of the webpage’s structure.

Why Use `

` Elements?

With its versatility and flexibility, the `

` element offers numerous advantages for web developers:

Benefits of Using <div> Elements:

  • **Improved Organization:** `
    ` elements help you organize your website’s content logically. This structure makes your HTML easier to read, understand, and maintain.
  • **Enhanced Styling Control:** By grouping elements within `
    ` elements, you can apply styles to multiple elements simultaneously, streamlining the styling process.
  • **Increased Reusability:** You can define `
    ` elements with specific classes and reuse them across multiple pages of your website, promoting consistency and efficiency.
  • **SEO Optimization:** Using appropriate `
    ` elements with semantic HTML5 tags (e.g., `

    `) can help search engines understand your website’s content structure, improving SEO rankings.

Practical Applications of the


The `

` element’s versatility is evident in its wide range of practical applications in web development.

Common Use Cases for <div> Elements:

  • **Section Creation:** Define distinct sections or areas on your webpage, like headers, footers, content areas, or sidebars.
  • **Layout Design:** Create columns, rows, and grids for responsive web design.
  • **Content Grouping:** Group related content together, such as product details, blog posts, or user profiles.
  • **Styling and Formatting:** Apply individual styles to specific sections of your content, using CSS classes and IDs.
  • **Interactive Elements:** Build the framework for interactive elements like forms, buttons, and navigation menus.

Best Practices for Using `

` Elements

To harness the full potential of the `

` element, follow these best practices:

Best Practice Guidelines for <div> Elements:

  • **Use Semantic HTML:** Give your `
    ` elements meaningful classes or IDs, especially for elements with specific purposes (e.g., “article,” “header,” “footer,” “product-details”).
  • **Avoid Overuse:** Don’t overuse `
    ` elements. If you’re using them for purely stylistic purposes, consider alternative styling techniques with CSS.
  • **Nested Structure:** Use nested `
    ` elements for a logical and hierarchical structure. Avoid unnecessary nesting that can make your HTML less readable.
  • **Accessibility in Mind:** Employ ARIA attributes when using `
    ` elements for accessibility purposes to provide context for screen readers.
  • **Prioritize Clarity:** Keep your `
    ` element structure clear and understandable for both humans and machines.

Code Examples

Here are some code examples showcasing how to use the `

` element effectively and create a visually appealing website:

Example 1: Creating Sections

<!DOCTYPE html>
.section {
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: #f2f2f2;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  margin-bottom: 20px;

.section h2 {
  margin-top: 0;

<div class="section">
  <p>This is an introductory section.</p>

<div class="section">
  <h2>Our Services</h2>
  <p>Here you will find our range of services.</p>


Example 2: Column Layout

<!DOCTYPE html>
.row {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

.column {
  flex: 1;
  padding: 10px;

<div class="row">
  <div class="column">
    <h3>Column 1</h3>
    <p>Content for column 1.</p>
  <div class="column">
    <h3>Column 2</h3>
    <p>Content for column 2.</p>



The `

` element is an indispensable tool for web developers, offering unparalleled flexibility and control in shaping the structure, appearance, and functionality of websites. By understanding its key characteristics, embracing best practices, and exploring its practical applications, you can effectively leverage the power of the `

` element to create interactive and visually engaging websites that deliver exceptional user experiences.



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