NASA publishes the deepest image of the universe taken by the James Webb Space Telescope

The US space agency, “NASA”, published Monday the deepest infrared image of the universe ever captured, showing thousands of galaxies that formed after the Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago, through the lens of the James Webb Space Telescope.

US President Joe Biden said at a ceremony held at the White House, during which the first space telescope harvest was published, that this scientific and color image, which was taken in infrared, is the first of its kind and represents a “historic” day.

This image was published six months after the launch of James Webb, the most powerful space telescope ever.

This is the deepest and clearest image of the universe ever captured, NASA said.

The human eye cannot see infrared radiation, but the James Webb telescope is equipped with technologies that enable it.

The image published by NASA shows thousands of galaxies that were formed after the Big Bang and the birth of the universe.

On Tuesday, NASA is scheduled to publish other images taken by the same telescope, during a party eagerly awaited by space lovers in the world.


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