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7 March 2024 09:00 a.m.
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USA NASA Jupiter’s moon Europa revealed wrapped in ice 1,000 tons of oxygen are produced every 24 hours, which is enough to breathe for a million people for a day.
On March 4, 2024, a team of scientists on NASA’s Juno mission Published in the journal Nature Astronomy, researchers found the ice-shrouded moon Europa produces 1,000 tonnes of oxygen every 24 hours, enough to breathe for millions of humans. people in 1 day
Researchers stated that The discovery comes from data collected with the spacecraft’s Jupiter Aurora Dispersion Experiment (JADE) instrument. This has measured the amount of hydrogen released from the surface of Europa. It is believed that some of the oxygen on Europa is Produced may gradually Flows into the ocean beneath the surface and becomes a source of internal metabolic energy. And it is believed that there is a saltwater ocean beneath the thick ice shell that may provide conditions that support life.
The moon Europa With an equatorial diameter of 3,100 kilometers, it is the fourth largest moon among the 95 known moons and the smallest of the four Galilean satellites. Launched a spacecraft from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The US state of Florida on August 5, 2011 and traveled for 5 years, representing a distance of 1,740 million miles, reaching Jupiter on July 4, 2016. This mission aims to explore the origins and evolution of Jupiter. The solar system and giant planets throughout the universe.
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