On 26 Jan. 2023, foreign media reported The US National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) has revealed that there will be an asteroid. Named ‘2023 BU’, it’s regarding the size of a bus. will orbit through the earth at the shortest distance At the southernmost tip of South America at 7:27 p.m. today (January 26), US Eastern Time. At just regarding 3,600 km, this is one of the closest distances from an asteroid to Earth ever.
In addition, the distance of the asteroid ‘2023 BU’ that will pass the Earth at the closest distance At the southern tip of the South American continent. It is considered to be regarding 10 times closer than a satellite that orbits the earth.
NASA also states that although there is a risk of asteroid ‘2023 BU’ hitting Earth, asteroid ‘2023 BU’ will eventually turn into a fireball and dissipate as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. which will not harm the people of the world